Friday, November 30, 2007

fords and trucks

So I was singing along with the radio last night on my way home from work. There was a line in the song that had the word truck in it. Except that I thought that the word was going to be Ford. So I had to switch to truck halfway through... Kind of made me chuckle. I was tired.

I don't have my usual excitement for Fridays today. And I don't even have to work tomorrow. I am more just glad that the week is over than anything else right now. And I'll hopefully get a little excited, maybe sometime tomorrow...

I love how I try to plan out my emotions. Fun times.

Guess I still have a little of that "tortured mind" thing going on.

musci: "Some Devil" -- Dave Matthews


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fords and trucks...hahaha jk

Fri Nov 30, 08:09:00 AM MST  
Blogger klev said...


Fri Nov 30, 04:39:00 PM MST  

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