Tuesday, March 11, 2008

the wrong direction

Ok. So I've been reminded that I never shared about the awesome Missy Higgins concert that I went to last week. I have had every intention of doing so, but have been just a tiny bit buys since, and without my own computer...well, it's getting done now. And now that I only have exactly one minute until I'm supposed to start work, I better get on it!

First off, she is way cute! And the Australian accent sure doesn't hurt anything at all. She tried to tell stories between most of her songs, some of which were about the songs themselves and some were just random stories that were kind of funny but mostly funny for the fact that she usually realized while she was telling it that it was rather boring and had absolutely no point so then would make fun of herself. She actually started one song over just because she played a bad chord but before they started it again she just broke into some other totally different little riff on the piano, which the band then picked up, "to get the bad chord out of her mind". It was all quite hilarious. As I am still rather new to her music, she played a few songs that I had never heard before and was still able to get engrossed in the lyrics of.

In all it was very fun. Would love to tell you more about it, but my minute has turned into ten already and I must go.

music: nothing. absolutely nothing.


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Sun Mar 16, 04:01:00 AM MDT  

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