Friday, May 04, 2007


As in, "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash".

Just watched a great high school play. No really, it was awesome. So funny. Running in the Red. That was the name of it. Great comedy. Definitely worth the four bucks it cost me to see it.

I so need to catch up on the last few weeks of The Office. Sounds like some good stuff going on. Hopefully I can squeeze that in tomorrow.

So hungry right now. Haven't really eaten supper at all this week. Just either haven't been hungry or can't think of anything that actually sounds good at the time. And I really don't mind this at all. But tonight. Wow. Could eat a horse right now. And I had a big lunch too. Huh.

Been having some strange dreams the last few nights. Last night I had gone out for a little bit after work with a couple of the guys that I work with and on the way out of the restaurant I grabbed a pack of matches. (no, I don't smoke, I just like fire) Anyway, then while I was sleeping last night I kept having this dream that this little scab I have on my chest right now kept opening up an bleeding everywhere (sorry, kinda gross, but true) and then I kept lighting matches and throwing them at someone. But I can't remember who I was throwing them at. And it wasn't like I was just throwing the matches one at a time. Seemed like I was pretty much lighting the whole book at once and throwing that. It was all kinda strange and bad horror-flickish.

And I haven't even been reading Poe before bed. That's going to be tonight... Although, I did read the Mask of the Red Death, or whatever it's called, on lunch break a couple of weeks ago. So maybe that is just how long it takes me to process things and develope it and translate it into something that is happening in my own life. Yeah. That has to be it.

I want to try to start riding a bike again. And running. Definitely need to start running again.

I have been doing some pullups the last few days. They are a ton easier to build up reps of now that I am like 20 pounds lighter than I was a while ago.

Football tomorrow! Hopefully we can get a full team there...

music: country radio


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that if I attempted a pull-up my arms would just pop off like a Barbie's.


Sat May 05, 01:47:00 PM MDT  

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