Friday, January 05, 2007


Yes, I no longer have a job. And the manner in which I found this out was not very professional, but I suppose that that makes it about par for the course in dealing with the people I work for. Shouldn't really expect people in management positions with Owens Corning, a huge global company, to actually be able to do their jobs in a professional manner. Right? But really, I will miss a few of the people I worked with there. But I think that it is probably for the best that this chapter in my life is closing and forcing me to move on.

And I did make a few promising calls this afternoon and already have an interview on Friday. Granted, it is for part-time work. On weekends. At night. But it is work, and it could be interesting. Also, I have a guy going to call me back Monday to set up an interview for a job. This would be more of a full-time job. Sort of. Sounds like it would be three days a week and I would basically be on call for 24 hours at a time. But here's the really cool part. The job is picking up dead people. From hospitals and houses and stuff. Not everyone can say that they have done this. Doesn't pay great, but it would also be a job. And it could potentially allow me to spend a couple of days a week working for a contractor learning more of the stuff that I want to learn how to do. So that would be cool too.

Guess we'll see what happens.

I actually did not head home tonight until just a couple minutes to midnight. Was fun to be out talking with friends that late. Hasn't happened in a long time. Most of my friends are younger than myself, but like to go to sleep a lot earlier than I normally do. Which means that I am usually at home for several hours before it is time to sleep. So I will take any opportunity I have to actually get home after midnight when it is about bedtime. Very nice. And it is always fun to spend time with the friends. Hence the reason they are friends...

mood: full
music: Evanescence


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