Saturday, August 26, 2006

cardboard boxes

Ok. So my trip down to the office to drop stuff off ended up taking me like four hours. Yes, I am a little on the slow side. I know. But usually not that slow. I ended up talking to my boss for a really long time I guess. It was good though. Actually was kinda a relaxing way to spend a Saturday afternoon. (Kathy, I'm sorry you had to spend your entire day working. Yuk.) Then I went and played some disc golf with Adam. Which again, was very relaxing and fun. Not always a given that the Saturday afternoon sports are relaxing, you know.

Probably the best thing that happened to me today though was what my Mom said to me when I got home tonight. I was just about to head downstairs after I had been talking to her and Dad for a minute in the kitchen. She gave me a hug and told me that I had been pretty grumpy and withdrawn (wow, what an understatement!!!!) but that I was better now. Then she threw in that the whole grumpy whithdrawn thing had been while I was still engaged to that person. And ya know, she's right. (Yes, I just said that my Mom wass right about something. Parents are from time to time.) I'm not sure that I am all the way better yet; but I sure feel like I am close. Really, really close. And I feel good. Especially the last couple of days. I've actually been happy! Not just not sad. Happy. Like excited about stuff and hyper at times! This is not normal for me. Regaurdless of the state of my life, it takes a lot for me to be hyper; especially hyper more than once in the space of just a few days. And you know what?! I like it. I like it a lot!

Anyway, when I started this post all I wanted to say was a big thank you! to all my friends who have helped me get to this point. Without you I may very well have ended up living in a cardboard box by now(hence the subject line). I love you guys! You are what makes life enjoyable and interesting. You are what makes me open my eyes to the world around me and still be able to laugh and smile at what I see every day. I wish I could give every one of you a hug that could somehow allow you to look into my soul and see how much I truely owe you.

The song Hide by Creed was just playing on my computer as I was typing the last couple of paragraphs, and it is playing again now. Usually I think of Creed as having a fairly depressing sound, which is one of the reasons that I like them. However, as Hide was playing now, it struck me sounded just made me happy!! Am I on crack or something or has this ever happened to any of you. If you can, please listen to it and let me know. Maybe what all this hyperness and happieness means is that I finally went off the deep end...

Well, now that no one is reading this anymore I'll wrap it up. Thanks. Life is good. And really, I am going to try to stop complaining about stuff as much as I have been lately. So please, if you catch me doing it around you feel free to smack me upside the head and tell me I have a good life.

mood: happy and looking forward to a bed

music: How to Save A Life -The Fray


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