Monday, October 30, 2006

surfing with the alien

So, what has been going on with me lately? Good question. Glad you asked.

Started moving some of my stuff over to the new place last week. Then decided that I should paint my room before moving more stuff over there. And, as I was going to need to stay at the parents house this weekend anyway (they were out of town and wanted someone here), waiting to move more stuff was not too much of a problem. So, today, right after work, I loaded up my queen-size box spring onto my truck and went over there. Tried to see if I could get said box spring down the mini stairs to my room. Nope. Not too much of a problem as the landlord said he has some split ones that I can use while I am here. Cool. Painted base and trim around doors in my room. Looking better already.

Friday night I spent most of the early evening relaxing and laughing my butt off while watching season two of The Office on dvd. Then got a call and went and met some friends and had a nice time just hanging out and talking for a few hours. Good night.

Saturday...finally read the character packet for the murder mystery thing that I was going to on Saturday night. I had only had it for a month before hand... Then I went out and did some awesome thrift store shopping for my outfit for the thingy. Seventies. Great clothes they had back then.

Sunday, after church, I spent the rest of the day with some friends just chillin like a villin, watchin tv, a movie, some football, and getting more music. Fun times!

Ooh! One of my friends brought me more books to read too. (thanks Jess) This is a good thing and I am really excited about them, but after I got them home last night I decided that I want/need to finish reading the book that I am currently reading before I start on these. This may not be bad in itself, but that means that I still have about 587 pages or so left to go. And I want to try to finish that book this week. Which for some people would be no problem at all. But for me that is a LOT of reading for a week. And my sister is coming on Wednesday. And I am painting/moving also. And then...NO MORE AND THEN's!

Well, I better get going. Doesn't sound like I have any time to waste this week. But goals are good. Right? And sleep. Ah. Who needs sleep?

mood: ready to tackle the world. i think.
music: "New York State Of Mind" - Billy Joel


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