Thursday, October 26, 2006

While I was driving home from work this afternoon I heard a song on the radio by Madeleine Peyroux. It's a great song, but one of the lines just stuck with me. It was, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but tears don't leave any scars."

Don't really know what else to say about that. Don't really want to say anything else about it. Probably will mean something different to everyone anyway.

And if you have never heard of Peyroux before, let me just say that she is worth listening to. If you like the Norah Jones/Billie Holliday type of singers.

That's all I got for now. Other than the fact that I am quite glad that I was able to get new tires on my truck last week. Snowed a decent bit last night/this morning, and I was hardly able to get my truck to slide around when I was trying to get it to do so. But I was able to have some fun with it after a couple more inches fell and I was on some more, very deserted, side streets...

mood: hungry. must go get milk so i can eat a box of mac and cheese.
music: Evanescence (just one of those afternoons)


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