Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i will fight and defend

Did you know that Ozzie Smith won the Gold Glove award thriteen years. IN A ROW! That is insanity. Especially as a shortstop.

Do you ever get a feeling that you just want ot hit something? Or someone? Not saying that I do, wait, yes I do. From time to time. Not very often. But it happens. And I think that it can be a healthy feeling. Sort of. As long as it's not really a daily thing. And that it is caused by responses to appropriate things. Not just your average road-raged induced maddness. I know that there have been times in the past that something has happened to people I know and my response has been along the lines of, "if I had been there...", or "I would'a kiledl them if...".

I don't know that I necessarily agree with the viewpoint of a former co-worker who thought that a person couldn't really know themselves until they had been in a fight. I can see his point, but I don't hold it to be true. There have been times that I have almost wanted to get in a fight just to see what it was like and what I would do. But at the same time I'm not going to go out and pick a fight just for that reason. And the only time that I can remember having the slight opportunity of a fight it was a road-rage related incident (on the other person's part) and I managed to realize it really wasn't worth actually fighting about.

In all actuality, I'm pretty sure the only time I would fight anyone would be to defend myself or in more actuality, a friend. I am generally a fairly even keeled person, and I'm not generally so concerned with what people say or do to me. But I can get a little uppity when friends are involved.

And yeah. Not quite sure where all that came from. Must be the three hours of sleep I got last night. Not a good decision during the middle of the week. Not at all.

And that reminds me that I should probably try to catch up a little on that whole "sleep" thing tonight. Better run. Still got laundry to get through the dryer.

music: country!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! :)

Thu May 17, 09:22:00 PM MDT  
Blogger klev said...

Hello, Jess! Nice to hear from you.

Sun May 20, 01:27:00 PM MDT  

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