Sunday, September 24, 2006


Isn't it great that, despite all the problems we encounter in life that take hundreds or thousands of dollars to fix, there are still a few that can be fixed very cheaply?! Toothpicks are a great example of this. I think the last box of toothpicks that I bought at the store cost me somewhere around $.89. And there were like 400 of them in the box. Probably one of the least expensive things that you can buy at a grocery store. Yet, when you have something caught in your teeth, and you have been going crazy for hours to get it out, where do you finally find relief from the torture? Yep, a tiny little piece of wood that probably cost you less than a quarter of a penny. And what sweet relief it brings!

That really had nothing to do with what I wanted to talk about tonight, just a totally random thought that crossed my ever-straying mind. But I actually could tie it into what I want to say, if I want to go making some sort of lesson out of this. But I don't want to do this, so I am just going to say what I had wanted to in the first place and if you want to try to find how they fit together...good for you. It really shouldn't be that hard; and I am dealing with a rather intelligent group of people here...

On to the main content! (everybody was kung fu fighting. no this has nothing to do with what i wanted to say either, but once you here that song you just have to start singing along. sorry) This weekend I had a friend do something very nice for me. They may or may not know that it was a big deal to me. And in the scope of things, it probably didn't cost them too much monetarily, and it only took an evening out of thier lives. But to me it meant a whole lot that they made a specific point to do what they did. So, a HUGE thank you to that friend; and to all the other friends I have out there, thank you too. I have been blessed far above what I deserve with you.

I didn't have a chance to do my weekly college football update yesterday, but maybe that was a good thing. Minnesota lost (to Purdue!! bad bad, bad bad bad), Penn State lost to Ohio State (the game was a lot closer than the score shows), Michigan State lost (this is only a bad thing because they were playing Notre Dame and they were leading the entire game and sommehow managed to lose it at the end), and with the very dim bight-spot of the day, Auburn won (but they beat Buffolo whose football team barely qualifies to call itself such). So not the greatest Saturday to watch football.

I did go see Jet Li's Fearless yesterday with a couple friends. Pretty good movie. But, as it was released in Asia first, you have to read the whole movie. There was also a good amount of story to go along with the fighting, but it was based on a true story (which was pretty interesting), and the fighting scenes are totally worth it. Some pretty amazing stuff!

Today I got to go to a couple of places that I have been wanting to check out for some time now. There was a family friend in town and staying at the house this weekend and today I was asked if I would be interested in taking them to Red Rocks before they had to leave. I had been wanting to go there myself, as it had been a little over seven years since I had been there and I couldn't remember much about it. It was pretty cool. Think I might have to start going there to run the steps. Then, as we still had some time and had been hearing loud engines while walking around RedRocks, we stopped by Bandemier Speedway. I drive past this nice drag strip almost every day, sometimes even four times a day, but I had never been there. So we stopped by and watched the cars racing for about an hour. Good times listening to the roar! of some serious horsepower and watching the front ends on some of the cars come off the ground when they took off!

Heroes pilot episode airs Monday night. Looks like it's going to be a good one. I would recommend giving it a shot. On NBC. Check your local listings...

mood: mildly happy
music: "Hello" -Evanescence


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's funny you mentioned Heroes, as I already have it set up to record on my DVR tonight. :)

Mon Sep 25, 02:28:00 PM MDT  

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