Friday, September 15, 2006

nail clippings

Been a while since I spent an entire Friday night at home. Pretty much a lot longer than spending any other night at home. But I guess I did it to myself, so I can't really say too much about it. Probably didn't help that I was home from work by 11, I think. I did go play some disc golf in the afternoon, and I cut my hair. But those are pretty much the only productive things I have done all day. And I'm really not wanting to go to sleep yet, despite the fact that I got maybe five hours of sleep last night. I probably should get some sleep or I'll end up falling asleep tomorrow afternoon during all the football. But that's half the point of watching football all day. And I am already planning on meeting some of the guys for some disc golf mid-afternoon tomorrow. So there is going to be some sort of activity during the day.

"Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience." -- James Freeman Clarke

Yeah, ok. Going to sleep. Absolutely no reason to be awake right now. What I really want to do is go to Waffle House and have Krysten there to take my order for my sausage egg and cheese sandwich with a double order of hashbowns- smothered, covered, and capped. And then have her tell us some crazy story about having to hide behind the counter cause some guy just totally snapped in there and started beating the junk out of a woman. (not that i like to hear about women getting hit, it was just a really crazy story) That is what this night needs. The old Friday midnight Waffle House run. Or even just sitting somewhere drinking coffee and talking with friends. But the Waffle House would be perfect. I just can't bring myself to go there anymore though. For one, there are only two out here that I know of and the closer of the two is about 40 miles away and the other one is another 15 miles past that. The other reason is that Krysten doesn't work there anymore and even if she did, she worked at the one we went to in FL, so that would be an incredibly long drive. But without her, I doubt we would have gone there more than a couple of times, certainly not every week.

Now I really want some pancakes or something. Frenchtoast. Sausage. Sausage gravy. And biscuits. Mmmm. Cracker Barrel sounds good too now. They have awesome breakfast food. Bacon! Omlets. Syrup. Donuts with bacon on top. Even a nice pastry or some cereal would be good right now. MILK! I need some milk. Love that stuff.

Wow. Really better go to sleep now or I am going to get myself really really hungry.

mood: restless
music: "Hello" -Evanescence


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