Tuesday, September 19, 2006

how long would it take me to walk across the United States

Looks like I've been hitting this up with some heavy stuff the last couple of days. And seen as how that isn't really the main intent of this blog, I'll try to keep it a little lighter tonight. Cause goodness knows it will probably get back to the not as light stuff sooner or later. And, as I have a question from an unknown reader wanting more explanations about things...it may be sooner than later. Sorry.

But tonight! Once again, no working today, so ample time to read. Finished the book that I started reading yesterday. I know that for a lot of you reading a book in two days, and actually it was just barely over 24 hours after I had started it, is not any big deal. But for me it is. I love to read, but sometimes it takes me a while to get through things. So, just for that reason alone, I would recommend the book. It is called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Great short read. Also, as I said last night, it is written from the point of view of a 15 year old boy who is autistic. Great book, but not a happy book really. Won't leave you feeling all warm inside when you are finished.

Went to the old high school's soccer game this afternoon. Mostly to get out of the house for a couple of hours since I wasn't working and to pay my registration for the golf tournament that is in two weeks. They won 6-2; wasn't much of a game really, but it served it's purpose.

Also discovered that I somehow lost disc 1 of Pearl Harbor, thus relegating me to only watching the last 40 minutes of the movie that some genius decided to put on a second disc. Not that big of a loss really. Not the best movie ever. But still...there's fighting and shooting and flying and explosions in it. And I didn't have to buy it in the first place.

Also ran another 3 miles! And I remembered that it is a much better thing to not "kick it up a notch" for the first half mile of the run. Cause then you have to totally dig it out the last mile and a half; and that sucks a lot. But the reason that I decided to switch things around today was that the song "24" by Jem was the first full song playing on my iPod after I started running. Had probably only heard it once before (kinda stole it from a friends computer, oops) and quickly discovered it is a great song to run to. But I would recommend saving it for the end of your run, or at least the middle somewhere...

I wish my really happy mood had lasted for more than a few days. But I can tell that it is still there, just below the surface. Just need to figure out how to let it out to play again.

mood: looking forward to sleeping in a little bit and maybe even working tomorrow!
music: "Here Comes A Regular" -The Replacements


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"24" is Jem's best song, hands down. Glad you discovered it. :)

Wed Sep 20, 08:23:00 AM MDT  
Blogger klev said...

Think I stole it from you, indirectly...Got it off Adam's computer. But it is enjoyable!

Wed Sep 20, 01:04:00 PM MDT  

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