Sunday, September 10, 2006

maybe we can be friends

Why is it that the females who know the least about sports always end up doing the best at randomly picking who is going to win things? I have never been able to figure this out, yet I know it is as true as the fact that HoneyNut Cheerios is part of a balanced breakfast.

I finally quit giving myself excuses tonight and actually got off my butt and ran three miles tonight. It felt pretty good too. I'm going to have to figure out some easy things to have around to eat and snack on if I keep this up though. And I am going to keep it up. But I tend to be hungry, a lot, when I excercise on a regular basis. And for those of you who've been wittness to how much I can eat... I don't want to be eating junk though, which usually comprises at least 80-90% of my diet. And I really can't eat as much as I used to. But I still need to start making a change to the better side of things.

I think I am going to play in a golf tournament in a couple of weeks. Good thing it is just to raise money for the old high school. But if I get a hole in one I win a car! And anyone can get that lucky regaurdless of if they play golf every day or once in thier lives. So it should be fun.

Why do I keep forgetting what patience is so that God feels like He needs to remind me again and again? I should just remember so I don't have to keep learning...

I have a nice clean towel to use after my shower tomorrow morning. Already excited about that!

mood: hoping i can walk tomorrow
music: "It Ends Tonight" -The All-American Rejects


Blogger Shannon said...

Kudos and koinkiedinks--I walked 3 miles last night. Technically at least 5 minutes of that was running, but that didn't last long. We'll see if the overall activity theme has a better lifespan. Good luck with yours!

Mon Sep 11, 06:40:00 PM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nyeh Nyeh! I rock at Fantasy Football without even trying! ;)

Though, realistically, if I can get 200+ points in one week, someone else can do the same thing next week. I'm sure my reign is short-lived. I shall just have to enjoy it whilst I can.

Hark. Or something.

Mon Sep 11, 10:20:00 PM MDT  
Blogger klev said...

Yes, yes you do rock, Jess. But I just dumped some of the dead wieght on my team tonight and added some new players, so I better be getting closer to your points this week. But as long as I get another win I'm really not too concerned. But, yes, enjoy while you can. And continue to rub it in. Especially to Adam. He needs it!

Wed Sep 13, 09:48:00 PM MDT  

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