Friday, September 08, 2006

california dreamin

Actually, today was more of a Florida dreamin day, but it is easier to steal entry titles from songs than being original... Tonight I was really wantin to be in FL. And it was mostly because it was a perfect day here. But it was a perfect day to drive aimlessly around the beaches in Clearwater, with my windows down and a sweatshirt on, with the little bit of rain falling from time to time. Perfect night for that. Only problem is, there aren't miles of beaches and causeways to drive around here in CO. Oh well, still a beautiful night out; just missing one or two things to make it a perfect night.

Maybe I'll share my thoughts on dream with ya'll tonight. Maybe.

Funny how some things jump out at you. I am reading David Copperfield. Again. I think this is the third time now. And every time the first line of, I think it is the third or maybe fourth chapter, just strikes me funny. "We dined alone, we three together." Every time that I read the book I read this line over and over. Can't really explain it, other than it totally fits the situation in the book perfectly. It is like the perfect storm. Ok, so maybe not like that. But it almost gives me an eerie feeling. Anyway...really dig the line.

I need food. Running a little low on that today. And a couple of handfulls of popcorn and most of a bag of Sour Patch Kids at a movie doesn't reall count as dinner. Not in any stretch of the imagination.

Ok. Dreams. Just bear with me here. I don't really know if any of this really will tie together yet. Just going to pretty much throw all the thoughts out there and let you do what you want with them.

About two weeks ago now there was several nights in a row that I was having some crazy dreams. I only managed to remember to write anything down about a couple of them so I could remember them later.

The first one that I wrote anything down about involved a lot of fighting. I'm talking kung-fu movie amounts of fighting. The funny thing was that I was the one that was kicking everyone's butts. Never had a dream like that before in my life. At least not one that I even remembered having by the time I woke up. But I think at the time I had been stressing about a lot of stuff and was nearing the limits of my supressing abilities. Then, a couple of nights later, I had a dream about Dr. Izzie Stevens, from "Grey's Anatomy". It was like I was on the show and just chattin with her in the hall of the "hospital". Just totally random. I hadn't been watching the show at all that evening before I went to sleep. And I have never really even found her that attractive. Granted, she's not a bad looking girl, just not remotely my type at all. And we were just chattin in my dream. Where on earth did this come from??

Now for my favorite dream ever. I had this dream just a little over two years ago now, to the best of my recollection. But I can still see it just as clearly as I did the night I dreamt it. I was reminded of it when I read a bit of a story that one of my friends had written and put in her blog just a week and a half ago. It was a story about a woman who is having dreams about men. Basically the first night it is a dream about an old boyfriend, and the second night about a guy she hasn't seen in months, and the third night about someone she hasn't ever seen. The first two dreams make her confused and mad because of how the relationships were left with those two guys. The last dream finds her hopeful when she wakes up. When I read her story it instantly reminded me of my own dream that I had had.

Only my "dream of hope" did not involve dancing and such, as hers had. Pretty much I was out playing a round of golf. (not disc golf, just regular old golf) I was playing a sickeningly incredible round (hence the dreaming) but I hit one shot that landed by a fence. I tried to hit my next shot over the fence but instead just smashed it off the fence and sent the ball flying off in some crazy direction away from the course. When I went looking in the direction that the ball had gone I came upon an old stone church. The kind with a small sanctuary and little wooden pews. I found the doors of the church to be standing open and as it appeared probably that my golf ball had gone into the church I also entered. As I was searching the church I spotted my ball lying under the pews toward the front of the sanctuary. I made my way into the pews and got down on my hands and knees to reach for the ball. When I looked up from my position on the floor, I saw my sister enter the church from a door in front of the pews on the side of the church. After she came thru the door she just stopped and stood there. Then, I remember it so well, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen came thru the door.

And then I woke up. Oh, how I wanted to go back to sleep and continue in the dream. But I remember how real my sense of hopefulness was that morning. I was so excited. I wasn't dating anyone at the time and was rather despondent about the lack of there even being anyone in my life for me to be interested in. I so wanted to find this girl from my dream. I could feel my heart aching for her. But I was mostly excited about the intense feeling I had that God had someone out there, that I maybe hadn't even met yet, that I would love more than I ever thought poosible.

Ever since I have been reminded of this I have been wanting to share it with whoever might be reading this. Don't really know why about that, cause usually I am much more content to keep these kinds of things to/for myself. Maybe it is because that feeling has been stuck with me the last week and a half now. But I couldn't really figure out what it was for sure until this afternoon. On my way home from work I called up a couple of friends I hadn't talked to in a while and was sharing a little of my recent situation with them. They are both friends and told me almost the same thing (I think they had already talked about it with each other several weeks ago, but it helped hearing it from two different people). They said that when they heard about what had happened and were talking about it together that they both were happy for me. Not strange. Lots of people were telling me that it was better that this all happened now instead of later, which I totally agree with. Should have happened sooner, but hey I'm a little slow sometimes. But these two friends said that they were actually HAPPY for me at the time cause they knew that as special as I had thought this particular person to be, that God had someone for me who is even BETTER in every single way!! Yep. Pretty excited about that!

So, that's all I have to say on the dreams. For now. Not saying that all dreams have a meaning or even relate to anything in our lives at any given time. Just saying that sometimes they might make ya think. And thinking is usually a good thing. Need to do more of it myself about a lot of things and a lot less of it on others.

I need a new laptop battery.

mood: never want to sleep again, but man am i tired (besides, can't dream if'n i don't sleep)
music: "Back Home" -Yellowcard


Blogger Shannon said...

I thought I'd take this opportunity to gloat that I DO get to be in Florida, and as a matter of fact, I was on the beach today, although on the other coast (Daytona). Fun day with girl friends and lunch on the beach. Although I don't know what fantasy you're having about wearing a sweatshirt and driving on the beach--it was 90's today in Orlando, and just below that in Clearwater. I can leave you your happy thoughts for later in the fall though :)

Greetings from the Sunshine State!

Sat Sep 09, 02:40:00 PM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll write you a real email soon, I promise. But I just wanted to respond to your last dream real quick, because I had a similar experience a couple weeks ago, only I was awake.

Also, I can't tell this story on my blog, because the person in question has the URL and I don't know if he uses it or not. So I'm hijacking yours. Just a little bit, I promise.

The Cody Implosion happened earlier this summer. Over the course of the summer, I met a handful of guys through church, and though I wasn't actively hunting, you can't help but size people up as you get to know them for possible mate-match, right? And none of them even came close to possibly fitting. So I'm getting discouraged.

Then I go to Kansas for a weekend, and on a lark a couple friends and I go back to our college town and visit some folk, including this guy Ryan we hung out with our senior year. He's a few years younger than us, and at the time, he was TOO young, you know? He had some growing to do. Well, he's done some, and talking to him was just this amazing, cloud-splitting experience. Because he's WONDERFUL. And even though I probably won't get a chance to speak to him until a mutual friend's wedding in May, it was still so incredibly comforting to know that yes, there are still intelligent, amazing men out there and maybe, just maybe, one of them is for me. I was giddy for days.

Done hijacking now. Thanks.

Sat Sep 09, 05:56:00 PM MDT  

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