Thursday, September 07, 2006


International Talk Like A Pirate Day! No, it wasn't today. But I think it might be coming up on the 19th. Not sure yet; need to do some more research. But if it excited! What better holiday could there be?! (except maybe Christmas and Thanksgiving and the 4th of July) Ok, so maybe it isn't the greatest day ever, but it would definitely be in the top 10 holidays every year. Just think how much more exciting your day would be if everyone you talked to had to talk like a pirate. And just think how much fun it would be if you were the only one talking like a pirate all day! Talk about some fun phone calls at the office! This day has definite possibility.

Reading my Sports Illustrated (forever to be referred to as SI in this blog from this day forth) and came across the best name I have seen in a long time. Destinee Hooker. Ya. What exactly was her mamma thinkin?

My sister was complaining of the lack of pics that I post here. So this is to appease her for the time being. Me and a few of the old crew in the glorious state of Mississippi.
Ok, so that just took like 20 minutes to do absolutely nothing. No pic. Sorry sister. You'll just have to wait till I go to Adam&Jeni's house again. (but it did give me an opportunity to go thru all my pics and delete a lot of them that I needed to get rid of, ya know)

"Let's rewrite these pages and replace them with our own words."

It really is amazing how God forgives and forgives and is so patient. And He puts things right in front of our faces to find and it still takes me so long.

Why do I have to over analyze everthing I do when it come to people I might be interested in? It never helps things. Usually just makes them worse.

Sorry about not posting anything last night. Was sleeping by 9:15. And then I woke up at 4:45 in the a.m. Teach me to go to bed that early again.

mood: alt+tab
music: "3a.m." -Matchbox Twenty (acoustic)


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