Sunday, October 01, 2006

i'd give you my last shirt

It's official! The Twins are the champions of the AL Central Division! Of course they had to draw it out to the very last game of the season, but they did it! Way to go guys, thanks for the great season, now lets keep it going through the playoffs!

This was quite a strange weekend for me. I think I slept more than I did anything else. I was sleeping before mindnight on Friday, Saturday I was sleeping by like 9:30, and this afternoon I fell asleep for like four hours. Not normal.

On Friday I went to a corn maze with some friends. And had a funnle cake. Oh, so good! Love those things. Saturday was the golf tournament. Had a great time, but was reminded that I am a pretty horribly bad golfer. And today, even after all the sleep I had already, I just felt really tired, so after getting home from church I just really didn't do anything at all, except sleep some more.

Why is it that when I am in a mood where I don't really want to talk at all that my parents think it is great fun to try to get me to talk? I wasn't in a bad mood. I didn't want to get mad at anyone, I wasn't mad at anyone. I wasn't really depressed or anything. I just was in one of the funky moods that I get every so often, and I didn't really feel like saying anything. And I didn't really have anything that I felt was worth saying, so I would have been quite happy going through the day with minimal communication with anyone else. Maybe I just need to make a sign for them or something....

Why is asking for help so difficult? I am more than happy to help anyone that I possibly can. but if I ever need help...I'll practically kill myself before I'll let anyone help me.

Think I need some more sleep.

mood: ??
music: "Here Comes A Regular" -The Replacements


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