Monday, November 06, 2006

reason why

Ok. So since I am now living in a place that has wireless internet I should be posting something on here like every ten minutes, right? Of course it would help if I were actually ever home. I left the house this morning at about ten minutes to six (for a meeting at work that had absolutely no reasson for me, or at least five other people, even being there), and I just got back tonight at about elevenish. Long day. And tomorrow I am going to try to get to the school at about five in the a.m. so I am going to have to get up rather early. But that is a good thing. I think.

First basketball practice was tonight. Didn't go too horribly, but I wonder about some of those kids. And Chris, the head coach, was talking to me before practice and said that he was thinking about making me the head coach for the JV team after a couple of games, if I was feeling up to it. Could be interesting. Don't think that there would be a whole lot of pressure to win at least...

Also, the sis is leaving for MN tomorrow, so there will once again be less laughter in CO. I don't think I have laughed as hard as I did tonight in a long long time. It was kind of crazy. Of course the major sugar high that I was on didn't hurt anything either.

I think I only have to work a half day tomorrow, so maybe I will be able to catch up on a few things and try to figure out what all I still need to move over to my new place right now and get this all set up. And maybe I can try to call and talk about a new job as well. That would be a good thing. A very very good thing. I think I am officially done trying to deal with my current employment. I like most of the people that I actually have to deal with on a daily basis. But the management, and all the ridiculous policies that supposedly are to make my life easier and safer...just makes me want to scream!

But I am not complaining about it. Really. (the "slapping me upside the head for complaining" rule is still standing for anyone who may be interested) I am thankful that I have a job and it compensates me fairly well, at times. It is just time to move on.

mood: sleepy
music: "Hello" - Evanescence


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