Friday, June 22, 2007

office memos

So it's Friday. So so happy about that.

Think I might end up pulling an all night-er (or at least a really really really late night-er) tonight with a friend, helping him work on his basement. And there might be a movie and some late night food involved as well... Cause as long as we get more than one sheet of drywall up, we made progress.

Been a little on the warm side of things here this week. But really, not a bad thing at all. Kind of a nice change after this past winter. The sun just feels good.

Actually got up about an hour early this morning to go for a run. Ended up reading some Potter instead. Just that I still have so much to read. And it doesn't involve me running at all.

I did do some push ups though. So I did get the day off to a better start than I normally do...

I know I had said that it might be a while before ya'll would hear from me on this cause of all the out of sortishness going on in the head. Well, it's still pretty much there. But I figure I still might as well keep on posting stuff and, who knows, sooner or later something just might work its way out.

Sure hope we get to go to the cafe for lunch...

music: some cd that's in this dude's cd player. think it's called Writer's Block


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you haven't gotten it yet, I left you a CD at the Schlossers. Amy Winehouse. Meant to give it to you a couple weeks ago and forgot. Got distracted by Monty Python.

Mon Jun 25, 10:51:00 AM MDT  

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