Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"i love the way you laugh"

I love it when I think something and then it actually happens just minutes later. This morning, while I was driving to work, I heard "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol on the radio. Love the song. All of a sudden I had a thought about if the band, especially that song, was any good acoustically. Then, right before I got to our offices, I was listening to a different station that has bands come in and record acoustic stuff. The Garage, they call it. And from time to time they play these songs on the radio of course. Well, guess what song they were playing from it this morning. Yep. "Chasing Cars." Sounded pretty good too. Just love it when things work out that way. That whole "instant gratification" thing I guess.

Actually got to work today. And do some real stuff, instead of spending the day in peoples garages. Kinda nice for a change. The next two days though, I get to be at my first jobs at 7a.m. That should be rockin good times. Guess I get off early then. Which is never ever a bad thing.

I need to figure out what to do with my hair. Besides cutting it all off again. Maybe I'll just go to the place downtown, I think it's called something like Headbangers Salon, and let them have their way with me. Or maybe not. But it would be something different than my norm...

"I live inside my own mind
Ain't nothing but a good time
No rain, just the sunshine
Out here in my own mind."
Sorry, just some residual rollover from "Lyle Lovett" night yesterday.

Found out today that the temp at our office has been writing a romantic novel for the last two years. 900+ pages now. I could be wrong, but aren't those usually a little shorter than that? And she doesn't type anything. It is all written on paper and she has the whole thing in a massive three-ring binder. Thankfully, she wasn't showing it to me, but the other people whose office I happened to be in at the time. But I was having the hardest time making sure that I didn't even look in anyones direction at all or I would have totally lost control and just busted up laughing. I hate to be mean about this, but I shudder to think what someone like her, an almost 30 year old who, to the best of my knowledge, has never had even a serious realtionship and I think has lived at home her entire life, would write about. Especially in a romance novel. Oh the horror!!!!!

I need to go read some more and get something else in my brain before I go to sleep now that I have that picture in my head.

mood: sleepy
music: "Rain" -The Wreckers


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