Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the noise of thunder

Well, the Twins lost again. And can I just say... Hunter, you are way way up there on my list of favorite players ever, but what were you thinking man!! This is the playoffs. Yes, outs are needed, but we need to keep the ball in front of us! In the park home runs are very very bad; in the playoffs, late in a tie game, they are just horrible!

Ok, got that out of my system. But it was sad.

Got to drive pretty far off the beaten track today, at least off of any path that I have ever beaten before. It was a pretty nice drive. And I got to see some nice colors on the trees.

TV update: I have grown bored of Smith. Actually was bored with it its second week, but I tried watching it agian this week and was still not interested at all. But it might be a decent show. Friday Night Lights started tonight. Seems like it could be good. Kinda a rip off of every high school football movie so far. NCIS and The Unit are good, as always. Grey's Anatomy is off to another great season. The Office, need I say more than outstanding entertainment! And Earl is always good for laughs too.

I think those are pretty much all the shows that I try to keep up with. There are a few more from time to time, and right now I am still trying to figure out when everything is on again so I end up watching a lot more. But I'll have it all figured out again soon so I can actually start reading more again. I did do some reading tonight after work and quite enjoyed myself. Oh, there's Studio 60 too, and that is a show that I think I am really going to like. But that's all of them. I think...

Tomorrow is SI day! And I have actually remembered more than once today. Usually I don't remember SI day until I have SI in my hands. Which means now that I am all excited about it ahead of time it will probably be a crappy issue with nothing good to read in it. But that would be ok too, cause then I could work some more on the other stuff that I am working on reading again. And that was fun tonight so it should be fun again tomorrow. Right?

Oh, and I can't really play percussion either. Still too much of the doing different things with the hands. Maybe bass drum or really slow tympanies (sp?). But definitely not the drum set or anything cool like that. And not that brass is bad...ahh, I can't figure out how to say what I am thinking right now. Let's just say that I would rather be able to play the guitar or piano. And maybe even sing, or something. If I was in a cave somewhere far far from people. Cause really, as Willie Nelson would say, "I sing, but I'm not a signer."

And that's all for tonight. Nothing terribly interesting, but that's pretty much par for the course. And I never promised anything more than confused and wandering thoughts on nothing and anything.

mood: think i might go to sleep now tha my head isn't hurting. yay
music: "Battlescars" -Punchline


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Willie Nelson would say, "I sing, but I'm not a signer." Did you mess this up, or did Willie really say this? He did smoke things, so maybe. And why is Dancing with the Stars not on your watch list?

Thu Oct 05, 12:11:00 PM MDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard you played golf with my dad on Saturday. I laughed out loud when I heard he played because I don't think he's played once in the 10 years we have lived here! Anyway, this is sort of a delayed response, but I just found out today and I wanted to let you know that even though you think you suck, you probably weren't the worst guy in your group. :)

Thu Oct 05, 03:26:00 PM MDT  
Blogger klev said...

yes, Willie did say that. The full quote went something like, "I play guitar, but I'm not a guitar player. I sing, but I'm not a singer. But I know I can write songs. That's what I do." The last part about writing, i think i mananged to screw that up. but he was basically saying that he does these other things just because that is sorta what happened, but he can write songs regaurdless of if he could sing or play.

and thanks for the delayed response Kathy. your dad did say that it had been 10 years since he had played. unfortunatly, he was probably more consistant than i was. but it was fun times.

Thu Oct 05, 04:06:00 PM MDT  
Blogger klev said...

oh, and Dancing with the Stars...that might make it onto my radar for llike 2 minutes a week. but definitely not any more than that. so it dosn't count at all.

Thu Oct 05, 04:08:00 PM MDT  

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