Sunday, September 02, 2007

what's another word for "crushed"

Hey diddle diddle. The cat and the fiddle. The dish ran away with the spoon.

Sorry. About all that's coming to mind right now.

Had some stuff that I was going to try to air out on here tonight and maybe try to see if it helped me sort through anything. But now, with the most recent, totally unexpected and unrelated (to what was on my mind before) events of the evening...I really am at a loss of what to say.

It feels like everything inside is just a big pile of mush right now. Don't know if being outraged at what happened is the right thing to be, or if that's just me being prideful. But something about it just isn't sitting right with me. Yet there really isn't anything I can do about it now, or in the near future that I can see.

Going to have to spend some serious time trying to sort through all this. Supposedly it was done to help alleviate a situation. But there is a very good chance that it just created a whole different monster.

And no. This actually has nothing to do with relationships. Well, at least not the dating type of relationships. More along the lines of family relationships. I think perhaps this can be among the trickiest and most delicate of the relationships.

So................ yeah.

music: "Near To You" -- A Fine Frenzy (right sound, wrong words. actually may be about ready to switch to a slightly, um, angrier genre)


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