Thursday, February 01, 2007

back to you

No, that title has nothing to do with the subjects of a couple of my posts from last week. Just the song that is currently playing on my iTunes. And I also haven't been able to post anything on here all week. Stupuid roommates.

I guess actually, that it would be studid roommate-who-got-himself-evicted-and-took-his-wireless-router-with-him. D'oh!! But I was talking to another of the still existing roommates last night, and he said that if we had a ethernet cable that we would be able to get on-line again. So, me having the sweet job that I do now, asked one of the guys this morning if there was any extra ethernet cable laying around. And he cut me off a chunck and made one for me. Excitement level = high. Then I arrived home tonight and spent the next hour trying to make said ethernet cable actually get me on-line. No go.

So, being that I am not tired at all for some crazy reason (actually, there probably is a reason but more about that later), I decided to load up in my truck and head over to the church in this awesome weather we are having and hole up in the garage for a while and catch up on things. So I threw my laptop in my bag and grabbed the extra battery (just so I could have my music with me. this garage is very boring otherwise) and now I have glorious internet access. But enough about that. (I knew this place I am living now would be a trip. Just didn't know most of it would involve the internet access there)

I actually spent the entire evening at home last night. Think that that is the first time that I have been home by six and actually stayed there the rest of the night in at least a month, maybe longer. Got a ton of laundry done, but not a whole lot more. Least nothing very productive.

We were supposed to be working at the monstrosity of a house again today (no, we are still not done with that place), but they decided to shut all the power off there at ten a.m. and as we had a lot of work to do in the basements which were now very dark, we had to do other things. This translated into riding around with the bosses the rest of the day going to some pretty sweet houses. It also meant that we were actually in houses that were finished and thus had heat, which was a very nice thing. However on Friday, yes the day that the high is supposed to be a whoppin 7, we should be back at the other place and in the cold. But it's still pretty fun. And it can actually get pretty warm in there at times with all the propane heaters going. Depending on what part of the house you're in...

This monitor keeps losing it's brightness. But I finally figured out that if I smack the side of it hard enough the brightness will come back so that I can actually see the screen from more than a foot away. Yeah!

But it is still a little on the cold side out here so I think that I am going to go get a nice big cup of coffee at 7Eleven (they have the best gas station coffee!) and go home and work on some other stuff that doesn't require the internet so much.

music: "Dusk and Summer" -- Dashboard Confessional

p.s. Sarah, sorry about the lack of a picture last week. Time just flew by. Hopefully I'll be able to get one on this weekend sometime...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Glad you're back...was wondering where you went.

Thu Feb 01, 09:55:00 PM MST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was getting bored every single morning without your blog! Might head out for a bit tonight, I'll give you a call. (Why do I always choose the freezing cold times to go out?) Although you'll probably get my call before you get this...

Fri Feb 02, 10:56:00 AM MST  
Blogger klev said...

Well it's good to hear that there are people who actually read this thing! Thanks! And I really try to keep new stuff on here, but it's hard when there is no internet. Which is still the case. Maybe this weekend I can get that all figured out...

Fri Feb 02, 05:39:00 PM MST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

White! I win!

I'm coming up Sunday. See you then.

Fri Feb 02, 10:07:00 PM MST  
Blogger klev said...

Don't know if I'd call it winning, as much as me being too cold to bother with colors...

Sat Feb 03, 04:03:00 PM MST  

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