So it's snowing here again.
I got an e-mail the other day that was a fwd of a bunch of ways to tell if you live/have lived in Minnesota. One of the ways was: "You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching, you might live in Minnesota." I guess this qualifies me. Along with most of the rest of the list. Cause yes, all the Dairy Queens that existed around were I lived while I was growing up closed for almost half of the year. (Cause really, how many people are going to buy a peanut buster parfait when its ten below out. For three weeks straight.) But really, tonight there was just a tiny bit of snow coming down and people were going like 40 mph on the freeway IN THE LEFT LANES, forcing me to drive like a jerk and weave in and out of everyone so I could continue to drive 65 mph. And you know what. I never once felt like I was going too fast for the conditions. Not even close. I even slowed down on the one curve where I thought that maybe there might be some possibility of slippage. So there. I wasn't being unsafe. Driving in snow just really shouldn't scare people like it does here in Denver. You'd think we only got snow once every six years or so.
Sorry. Just needed to get that out of my system before I drive home now.
Got to work inside a nice heated house all day today. Hope I get to again tomorrow. Sure makes these cold days a whole lot nicer.
Oh. and in case anyone was wondering... I tend to not like the "holiday" that Hallmark decided to pull out of their bums and insert on the calendar on Feb 14th. So, don't anyone be too depressed or anything if you don't get a little card or flowers or anything from me at all. I have been known to send flowers to a few select people in the past on this day, but I'm thinking I am just going to lay low for the day and enjoy not being required to show someone what I should be showing them every single day of the year.
Man, I think I better just leave before I find something else to rant about!
I got an e-mail the other day that was a fwd of a bunch of ways to tell if you live/have lived in Minnesota. One of the ways was: "You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching, you might live in Minnesota." I guess this qualifies me. Along with most of the rest of the list. Cause yes, all the Dairy Queens that existed around were I lived while I was growing up closed for almost half of the year. (Cause really, how many people are going to buy a peanut buster parfait when its ten below out. For three weeks straight.) But really, tonight there was just a tiny bit of snow coming down and people were going like 40 mph on the freeway IN THE LEFT LANES, forcing me to drive like a jerk and weave in and out of everyone so I could continue to drive 65 mph. And you know what. I never once felt like I was going too fast for the conditions. Not even close. I even slowed down on the one curve where I thought that maybe there might be some possibility of slippage. So there. I wasn't being unsafe. Driving in snow just really shouldn't scare people like it does here in Denver. You'd think we only got snow once every six years or so.
Sorry. Just needed to get that out of my system before I drive home now.
Got to work inside a nice heated house all day today. Hope I get to again tomorrow. Sure makes these cold days a whole lot nicer.
Oh. and in case anyone was wondering... I tend to not like the "holiday" that Hallmark decided to pull out of their bums and insert on the calendar on Feb 14th. So, don't anyone be too depressed or anything if you don't get a little card or flowers or anything from me at all. I have been known to send flowers to a few select people in the past on this day, but I'm thinking I am just going to lay low for the day and enjoy not being required to show someone what I should be showing them every single day of the year.
Man, I think I better just leave before I find something else to rant about!
So I was driving last night and people were STUPID!!! It made me so mad and I was one of those "crazy" drivers who drove 55 (gasp!) on I-25 and was weaving in between traffic. And I only drove that slow because I was scared of the stupid people. And I have the same feelings about Valentine's Day as well. Why be forced to show someone I care when I should be doing that every day? Little cards and candy for friends is fine, but I do not expect flowers or dinner from Ben and he doesn't get anything either. Your post had me going "Yes! Yes! I agree!" at so many points. Well, at least the snow and the "holiday."
Thanks for agreeing with me. It's always nice to know that I'm not the only person to hold the opinions that I do. And I just remembered that I need to shoot you an e-mail about something, so I'm going to go do that right now before I forget yet again.
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