Monday, February 05, 2007

veggie peelers

Word for the day: pain.

Playing basketball with little high school kids is fun. But being the older guy, and an assistant coach, means that the little high school kids think that they get extra points if they hurt you. Doesn't exactly work that way, but that still doesn't stop 'em any. But it's fun.

And almost over.

As is the era of my facial hair. I think.


Starting again: the dilemma about jobs.

Yesterday I was told about an opportunity to get a job with an airline, working out at the airport. Not necessarily my dream job, but you never know for sure until you try it. And it would have benefits. And I was told hours are as plentiful as you want them to be. get to fly free. This would be a good thing. Cause I like to go places. And I like to not pay for things. Works out well together.

But I am really enjoying the job that I have right now. Like I actually want to go to work. And I don't get mad about things while I am there. And I find myself wanting to stay longer. Yes, this is mostly on days when there isn't basketball and I know I have no real reason to go home...but it still happens.

So I don't know. More information to find out and much more to think about. We shall see.

Time to get some food in my belly and attempt to finish reading The Hobbit. Which I thought I had not read before, but apparently, I have.

music: nothing. nothing at all. sure wish I could get the internet working at my house again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's see a pic before you shave the facial hair!

Tue Feb 06, 03:49:00 PM MST  
Blogger klev said...

To Avid Reader: I may post a pic. But if you really never see me at all, and won't even tell me who you are...does it matter so much? Sorry, that's sounds a little harsher than I mean it to, but. And I think I may move up the planned hair cut as well. Not really used to having hair that is longer than a 1/2 inch, and it is getting a little annoying. But I'm not for sure yet.

And my dearest cousin: Some of them are not so little at all, although I think only one is actually taller. But there are a few who out-weigh me, and that is what really matters. Glad you would like to see me get hurt! Though that sounds more like something your sister would say, as payment for all the stuff I used to put in her drinks...

Tue Feb 06, 11:00:00 PM MST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my input on the job stuff:

I think it's more important to be doing a job you like - as long as you can support yourself on what you make.

Taking a job with benefits and the perk of flying free sounds great on paper, but if you end up hating every moment of the job, it's not going to be worth it. So much of your life is spent at your job, that hating it is just the most miserable way to live.

If you are/can making/make enough on the job you have now to buy health insurance or pay for dentist/optometry appointments or save for emergencies and whatnot, then I say stick with that, since you seem to enjoy your current job.

And that is my two cents.

Thu Feb 08, 09:31:00 AM MST  

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