Monday, October 22, 2007

like an apple on the tree

Had a nice relaxing day off of work yesterday. Yep. That's right. Didn't have to work one little bit. It was pretty nice. Just ate some pancakes, watched some football, and then went and sat in bed and watched the RedSox/Indians game and ate cereal. Pretty sweet day.

Ok, so I did have the junk scared out of me a couple times while I was out driving in the snow in the morning. But that's mostly because I need to spend a whole lot of money on my truck to get it winter worthy again. And hey, I kept it going straight, so that's all that really matters.

The snow is pretty cool too. Although I didn't get to see or hear the thunder snow portion of the morning. Kind of dissappointed about that. But just having snow again is great. And it wasn't really enough to have to shovel either, which is the best kind to get. Especially since my shovel is still up in my parent's garage, sort of forgot to grab that yesterday...

Well, I think I need to try to get in a couple of games of minesweeper before I have to work...

music: "Almost Lover" -- A Fine Frenzy (hey, I can't help it that it just always happens to be at this part of the cd by the time I get here)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's no fair, you got snow already! it's less than 2 weeks before i get to come see you!!! jk

Mon Oct 22, 08:35:00 AM MDT  

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