Saturday, February 24, 2007

and then there was snow

Of course. Because I actually had time to wash my truck last night, and did it, it snowed on it this morning. But not a lot of snow, and the truck actually still looks clean. And I finally remembered to get an air freshener for it while I was at the gas station last night too. So it smells like vanilla or something in there now, instead of some sort of dead animal. Think it's all the mud that's been getting tracked into it the last couple of weeks. And there actually could be a dead animal in there somewhere. Really kinda hard to tell without pulling everything out, and it is still too cold outside to do that yet.

Sorry if I seem a little scattered today. I think I kinda am.

Woke up this morning thinking about all the questions I have to ask the guys I work with about my friends basement. Yes, this woke me up. On a Saturday. At 6:30 am. But the weird thing is that I was excited about it, and the fact that it woke me up that early on a Saturday thinking about it.

Spent most of the day looking on Craigslist, and other such devices, for a new place to live. Have a couple places lined up to look at. Hopefully something will work out. And, I really am hesitant to say this, but it can't be worse than the place I'm in right now. Can it?

Well, now the joys of not having my own computer are really setting in. Both the parents are wanting to get on the computer now. Granted, it is theirs, but if they don't want me to have to move back in with them again... And no one wants that! And what happened to the good old days of parents not knowing how to do more than turn a computer on? Now my mom is addicted to eBay and my dad is addicted to most anything he can do with his camera and pictures on the computer. Now he just got a scanner and is putting all his old pictures onto the computer. Yikes!

Gotta go.

music: "How Sweet It Is" -- Michael Buble
(yes, I know it seems this is all I have been listening to lately. but actually it is one of
two cds that are at my parents house that I can listen to without going completely and
institutionally certified crazy!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I washed my car the night before it snowed too! How is the house hunt coming?

Mon Feb 26, 06:08:00 PM MST  
Blogger klev said...

Hosue hunt is going ok. I guess. I just looked at a place a few minutes ago that was pretty decent. They are going to decide tonight/tomorrow so I guess I'll know about that one pretty soon...

Mon Feb 26, 06:58:00 PM MST  

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