Wednesday, January 30, 2008

missy higgins

I know, I know. Two posts in ONE day?! What is going on here? Is this really me? Yes, yes it is. Just had some time on my hands tonight (actually should be at home doing laundry right now) so I've been hanging out at the office getting hooked on Missy Higgins on YouTube. Heard her for the first time a few days ago on the radio and really liked her sound and then the next night I heard her again on a tv show. After her song on the radio the dj said something about her being here, in Denver that is, is a couple months. So I decided to look her up tonight and check it all out. Then I decided to check and see if YouTube had any of her stuff so i could actually hear more than the couple of songs that I had before. And guess what...they did. And I am really getting hooked on it. Just thought I'd share. Ya'll should check her out. If you sure to listen to "The Sound of White" and "The Special Two". Hope you enjoy.

That's all I have for tonight. Think I may actually go home now...

music: well, Missy Higgins. Duh

the plainest thing

Anyone out there know how to get rid of a stalker? Think I may actually just have to get rude with this one. Doesn't seem like she is willing to get the point that I just don't really want to have anything to do with her. Ever. And I pretty much have been rude already, at least by my standards, but she just doesn't get it!

Anyway, I really am over talking about this. Except that it is just way too easy to joke about with people at work. Cause apparently, there are a lot of stalkers out there. So that can be kind of fun. Sorta mean maybe. But fun.

music: "The Plainest Thing" -- Tift Merritt

Friday, January 25, 2008

gas station quarters

So I actually didn't have to work last night. Or the night before, for that matter...but I did end up working Wed night until about 11:30 because they needed some extra help at the store. So I got to spend the night hiding in the back room painting and cleaning and what-not. It was pretty fun. And I actually had someone call and ask me if I could cover for them last night, but I wasn't even close to being able to do that. I need at least one night a week to do absolutely nothing...or laundry.

Watched 3:10 to Yuma last night. Haven't quite made up my mind yet about it. It was a decent enough movie, just not one that jumped out and screamed "love me!".

So glad that it is Friday now. Just kind of tired and worn out. And there really isn't going to be a whole lot of rest to be had this weekend. But I am going to try to make some cookies tonight after volleyball. And yes, I am going to play volleyball tonight. And I played last week cause my foot was feeling ok-ish...and then when I woke up Saturday morning it was far from ok-ish anymore. But it was fun and so worth any pain, or the many many many comments about being stupid, I had to endure on Saturday.

music: "Plainest Thing" -- Tift Merritt

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

forgiving you was easy

So I know this is sort of old news, but most of anybody hasn't really heard yet, so here it is. Last Friday morning at work I managed to tip a huge stack of sheetrock over and it basically landed on my left foot. Kinda a little scary. Thankfully my foot did not get stuck under the stack, cause that would have pretty much been realy bad. So after I helped finish up what we were doing down there and loading the van and getting lunch at my favorite place...I finally made it in to the clinic to get it checked out. Cause I really was in quite a lot of pain. I'm just hard-headed like that. So after the poking and twisting and x-rays, pretty much all that happened to the foot was a really bad bruise. A little anticlimactic, but better than any real serious injury. Especially since I work with a guy who knew a guy who lost his legs from the same thing happening. Granted, that guy was trapped under the pile a whole weekend waiting for anyone to show up at the house and help him... But really my accident could have been a lot worse so I am just really thankful that it wasn't.

And yes, I have still been working. Probably really shouldn't have this weekend, but again...the hard-headedness thing comes into play here...

And that's pretty much all the news from here. Have a good one!

music: "On The Road Again" -- Willie Nelson

Friday, January 11, 2008

a bed of nails

So wow. Guess I've been slacking this new year. Or not been slacking and just too busy to post... Maybe a little bit of both.

I have been an incredibly busy since the new year started. And I've also had an incredibly hard time waking myself up in the morning, thus barely having time to check e-mail before work starts and not even having a prayer of attempting to put anything coherent down on here in a minute and a half. Now it's already so far into Jan that volleyball is starting again. Tonight! Pretty excited about that. And the store has been a little slower lately, and they are cutting back hours some, but that is probably a good thing, at least for a while. I did end up working there for an hour the other night when I wasn't even scheduled. Sometimes I just get bored now when I'm not working...

And the "date" that I mentioned in my last posting... Well, turns out I managed to find myself a little bit of a crazy stalker chick. Granted, I probably need to take a little of the blame on that, but honestly, I wasn't really aware that "ending things" was needed as things hadn't really ever "started". And normally, when you haven't talked to someone in over a week, you don't assume that you're dating. And you certainly don't just show up where they work. And you definitely don't hang around by one of the exits until they leave so you can talk to them. That's just scary. So I guess now we are "back to being friends" which is interesting in itself as I barely knew this person before. Sheesh. Crazy phsyco chicks are just too...well, crazy.

Other than that...not a whole lot of exciting stuff has been happening. Well, I take that back. A lot of exciting stuff has been happening, it's just been so long since I posted that it's all just old news by now. But feel free to check in later. I really am going to do better with keeping up on this...

music: "I'll Be There For You" -- Bon Jovi (kind of a crazy phsyco stalker song)