Thursday, January 25, 2007

free fall

"Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway."

So, apparently, the red text from yesterday was not appreciated. (and I didn't like it so much myself either) So I guess I'll just try a couple more colors today. Just cause I can.

Could this explanation be any longer?

I think this post is going to fall into the random category, as not much of anything at all happened today. And I didn't do anything but work and then come home today. For once. It was quite nice actually. And I even watched a little bit of the long-lost tv.

I did get a taste of all the stuff that I could potentially learn with the job that I have now. I think I may enjoy this one...

"Oh that's too bad. Cause I'm like a six foot eight Marry Poppins."

My Tiger Woods t-shirt that I bought when I was like thirteen is almost dead.

"I'm not dead yet."

I think I might try to see a couple of movies this weekend. That's sorta like taking a trip. I know it is sort of a stupid waste of money, but one of them would be at the $3 theatre so it really hardly even counts. And a movie is a whole lot less money than driving to New Mexico and back in a day. And my cd player doesn't work yet...

Supposedly one of the guys I'm working with is training for the UFC. Strangely not suprising about this guy.

music: "Famous Last Words" -- My Chemical Romance

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

they can amputate at once

So, there was a request for more info on the phone call yesterday. And this was from the same person that requested more information on the whole breakup thing. And if anyone remembers how that post turned out...well, lets just say it was a bit on the lengthy side. But no, really. The call yesterday really wasn't that bad. I pretty much just asked her why she had called the day before and she said that she wasn't really sure. That maybe it was because she was just going through some hard stuff and that I was the one she had turned to in those times for the last few years. And there was a couple of other questions brought up and answered. And that was that.

Don't really know if I'll hear from her again or not. And I'm fine with that. I think if she were to call again that I would be able to handle it a ton better than I did this time. And if she doesn't ever call again, I think that that wouldn't be bad at all.

And New Mexico does sorta sound like a good place to visit. Maybe I'll have to look into some things to actually do there. Seen as how it is only about six hours to Sante Fe from here. It definitely falls into the category of places I've never been, and that automatically qualifies it for a visit. And I guess I never really looked at how long it would take to get anywhere there. It really isn't too far. Maybe a little too far for just a day trip, but definitely not too far for a quick weekend outta town.

I did go to target tonight. Got a couple of cds. And some chapstick. Cause the tube that I had, for like the long as I can remember, finally is about to run out. Seriously, I had that last tube since college at least. And not the end of college, somewhere during college. But I got Michael Buble It's Time and My Chemical Romance The Black Parade. Not at all even in the same neighborhood of music genre, but they are both albums that I have wanted to get. Listened to The Black Parade already. Interesting cd. Definitely some interesting songs. And I have already heard a lot of the Buble cd on the radio. But it is going to be a great one for when relaxation is needed. For me, it is the kind of music that can help take me to another place just by closing my eyes. Sometimes it is a physical place, and sometimes just a different place emotionally. Like when I listen to the first song, "Felling Good", I usually end up with a big smile on my face and (if I'm in my truck or alone somewhere) singing quite loudly and whatnot.

So another day goes by with so much left to do that I intended to do and yet just didn't have the proper time for. I never really understood why adults always were saying that there just aren't enough hours in the day. But lately I think I have been starting to get a little taste of that. Been kinda crazy. But that's a good thing. Means I'm not bored.

music: "You and I" -- Michael Buble

p.s. And for you Office fans...just have to share this gem with you in all of its awesomeness! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

ramblin' fever

I think I need to take a trip. Somewhere nice and sunny and warm. Not saying that I am tired of the snow. Not saying that at all. Still love all the snow. But I think to be properly relaxed and stree free right at this particular juncture in my life that the sun and warmness need to be involved. Or maybe what I really feel like doing is crawling onto a big, comfy couch with a five disc dvd player (so you only actually have to get off the couch like twice a day) and just turning off my brain for a week or so. I think that is probably what I really want to mostly do right now.

But a trip does sound good too. But somewhere close. And seen as how there really isn't so much in the way of sunn and warmth in the near vicinty... Maybe I'll just have to settle for exploring some back roads or something this weekend. Get out of town a little bit and have a change of scenery for a couple hours.

Now if only the cd player in my truck worked...

Ooh, but that reminds me. I do have a Target cift card from my birthday to use still. And I have been pretty much locked into the idea that it is going to be used for cds. Cause I haven't bought a cd for probably at least six months. And, if you know anything about my music habits, that is a very very very long time for me. I have been having to make due with the free downloads from iTunes. And, while some of those have been interesting, they just don't quite hit the spot that needs itchin'. And I have, thankfully, been given some music by some friends and that has helped A LOT! But I have been listening to a lot of diferent music lately on the radio and I don't actually really have anything like it in my own collection, and I want to be able to listen to it when I am at home, or in my truck whenever I want to (once I get a working cd player). Perhaps tomorrow night I can go browse the aisles and see what I come up with. Hmm, something fun to think about...

I enjoy donuts.

Now if I only had some bacon and M&Ms and icing to put on top of them.

Had a dream before I woke up this morning about James Bond. Don't really remember anything about what was going on in the dream or anything. Just that it involved Bond. And it was Sean Connery as Bond. Which is a little perplexing, cause I think that I have only maybe seen one movie with him as Bond, if that.

And, if any of you were wondering, I did call the ex tonight. And that is all I am going to say on that subject. Except that I think I am handling it much better tonight than I did last night's.

Mmm. Still three donuts left for breakfast. Maybe I'll go to sleep a little early tonight so I can dream about donuts in some Bond-ish fashion.

music: "Niki FM (demo)" -- Hawthorne Heights

Monday, January 22, 2007

blue day

So, got an unexpected...suprise today. But "suprise" is just not at all the right word that I am looking for here. Cause to me, "suprise" is something that I try to save to use in describing something fun or exciting that happens. Sorta like a suprise party. Although I hate those. So maybe "suprise" is the right word to use here... Whatever. Got a call from the ex today. Guess she just wanted to chat. Cause that's all we did. For almost an hour. And not a thing of any real substance or importance was said.

I was fine with all of this until I had been off the phone for about five minutes. And then I just had to sit with my head down for a good half hour and just pray that I wouldn't explode. And, seen as how there was nothing said tonight about the "why" of why I got a call now, after like what, seven months or something, I figured I would just let everything kinda kick around in my head for a day and then give her a call and see what the deal is. Cause I don't think that I really like the idea of just getting a random phone call every so often, just to see how the weather is on the other side of the country. I have other friends that live over there that I can call when I am curious about that. Ya know.

So, needless to say, pretty much everything that had been on the agenda for the night got pushed to a later date.

I still like grilled cheese though. Sure could go for a couple of 'em right now.

And a big glass of milk. Milk just seems to make problems go away. Not quite sure why, but it does.

I thought I was a lot father along than this. Guess maybe there have been more reasons than what I thought for what has been going on in my head lately.


music: "Tourniquet" -- Evanescence

Sunday, January 21, 2007

exponential aging

So nice to be back in my own bed. It's strange how comforting it feels to sleep in a familiar place.

And I don't have to worry about being jolted out of a deep sleep tonight by the sound of a dog regurgitating at 5 a.m. Not a fun way to wake up.

Of course, there is the random mouse or spider to worry about in this house. But they usually try to stay on the stealthier side of things and don't wake me up so much.

Got to do a little painting this weekend.

Also tried to install a transition strip between some tile and carpet in my friend's basement. Didn't work out so well as I'd hoped. Kinda hard to pound little pansy nails into a concrete floor. And the screws didn't work too well either. Oops.

Still haven't finished A Wrinkle In Time. Haven't been able to stay awake this past week. Guess my body is still trying to readjust to actually working, and basically working outside in the nice cold weather too. Thought that I'd finish it tonight, but I already fell asleep once while I was reading so I guess I may as well just try to get some sleep and maybe finish it tomorrow.

I am very glad that I know Nola. She is about the sweetest dog that I know. And sometimes I really do wonder just how much she really does know about what is going on in people's heads. At least in mine.

Grilled chesse is quite tasty.

Snowed some more today. I really have been enjoying this winter here. But it has been a little on the cold side. Not that it is as cold as MN was growing up, but it has been a lot colder than I have been used to for a while now. But the snow...I'll take all the snow I can get.

And grilled cheese. I'll take all of that that I can get too.

music: "Congratulations" -- Blue October

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

bob away my blues

Don't you just love how you feel after a good day of work? Not necessarily after a hard day of work, a good day of work. Doing something that you actually enjoy doing. I think that that is how I feel today. Cause it definitely wasn't necessarily a hard day. And it wasn't a long day. But I for sure used some muscles that I'm not so used to using. And I was definitely in a house with no heat and open doors all day. But I feel like I earned my sleep tonight. And that is a good feeling.

And the house that I was working in............HOLY CRAP! Sorry, but that's the best way to describe it in words. Cause well, they have a half-court bastketball court in the basement. Well, not really the basement, it's lower than the rest of the basement. And the rec's going to have like ten flat screen tvs in it. And that is right next to the theatre. Yep, a theatre. And supposedly there is going to be a dance studio somewhere in the house.

I could live below ground in this house and be quite happy and busy. And it doesn't even look like that huge of a house from the outside. Crazy! I just hope I get to see the inside once it is all finished.

I'm off to read, or perhaps finish, A Wrinkle In Time. Once I go retrieve it from my truck. Doh! It's cold out there...

music: "Shoot The Moon" -- Norah Jones

Monday, January 15, 2007

"and there was much rejoicing"

Got a job today! Should be starting sometime later this week.

It is with the place that I had an interview with last week. They do high-end home entertainment systems and home theatre type stuff. Actually, it looks like they do anything involving home electronics and that type of stuff. I guess I'll be learning a lot more about it very soon. Should be good times!

They did make the stipulation that it'll start out with a three month trial period. So I can see if I like it and if they llike me. That sorta thing. So, hopefully it'll work out. Cause I don't really feel like looking for another job three months from now. It sounds like a pretty good place to work for, the two guys who interviewed me seemed pretty normal, and they said that they start everyone out doing what I will be doing and then move them up from there. So it could be a good, long-term job for me. Maybe even a career type of thing. Which would be a nice change for once...

And in other news. Well, there really hasn't been any other news. Been staying busy, but not really with anything of great interest to the rest of the world. The JV guys, after a couple of games of taunting improvement, have decided to regress to playing worse than they were at the beginning of the season. So that makes me happy. And I think I actually have to coach them all by my own self for a game sometime within the next week or so. And the varsity lost one of its starters to a re-tearing of his ACL.

Also, parents, and other random people now too, who try to get you to go out on dates with people are annoying. I don't mind a suggestion every now and then about someone to go out with, but beyond that it just needs to stop. (This is just from the parent end though. Suggestions or introductions from friends are usually always welcome)

music: "3 a.m." -- Matchbox Twenty (acoustic)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

never say die

It is now technically the start of another week. So I am going to get the picture of the week posted so I don't forget and have it ending up being another month before I post another one. At least this way I've done it two weeks in a row...

If you're wondering, yes, this is me. A couple growth spurts ago. Don't know exactly what my parents were thinking dressing me like a giant candy cane, but at least I got to hang out in the cool swing...
I really need to quit staying up so late.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

if the world can wait

So I haven't really kept up with the weekly picture thing that I had intended to do. Oops. And it's not like I really have an excuse anymore either, what with having the wireless where live now and everything... So, here is a pic that I found while looking through a few of the pics that my dad has on his computer. Apparently he has started to put some of their really old pictures onto his computer now. So, if you're lucky, at some point you might get to see some of me when I was just knee-high to a grasshopper, or some of my sister that she would totally kill me for putting on the internet. (insert evil laugh here) For tonight though, I am going to give you one of Moms. Because, well, I think it may be one of the awesome-est pictures ever. Granted, I was having a bad day when I first saw it, and I haven't exactly been stable in the head as of late...but I think it truely stopped my heart for a second when I saw it. And she is my mom.

So that's all for today. Still looking for a job. Had a good interview today. I think. But haven't heard anything back yet. Maybe tomorrow... Oh, and if any of you out there enjoy The Office, let me know. Got some stuff you need to read!
mood: think I am going to drop the "mood" line from here. doesn't seem to accomplish anything for me.
music: "Whisper" -- Evanescence

Sunday, January 07, 2007

i'd do anything

Finished another book today. Borrowed Eragon from a friend. Not a bad book. Little bit like LOTR, but really, comparing the two would be a slap in the face to Tolkien. So I'm just not going to go there. Eragon was a 700+ page book that I read in about a week. This alone means it is nowhere near LOTR. Usually it would take me at least two weeks to read 700 pages, unless all I was doing was reading. I will admit that it was at least an entertaining read. Not too many slow parts to get bogged down in or anything. But, unless the movie is absolutely aweful, I don't imagine that it is going to be one of those things were the book will necessarily be better than the movie; and thus worth reading if a person doesn't watch the movie. But I haven't seen the movie yet, and don't really intend to run out and spend $8 to watch in a theatre, so I couldn't say for sure that this is true.

And now that I have read Eragon I have to read the other two books, just so that I know what happens. At least it shouldn't take too long to read them if I can get through them as fast as I did the first book. Gives me something to do I guess. Just need to find someone I can borrow them from cause the friend I borrowed Eragon from only had that one and not the last two! Of all the nerve. Get me started on a trilogy and then tell me you only have the first book!

This weekend seemed very short. And I don't even have to go to work tomorrow...

But I do still have to be at basketball practice at 6 a.m. Yuck.

mood: awake
music: "Towards the End" -- Within Temptaion

Friday, January 05, 2007


Yes, I no longer have a job. And the manner in which I found this out was not very professional, but I suppose that that makes it about par for the course in dealing with the people I work for. Shouldn't really expect people in management positions with Owens Corning, a huge global company, to actually be able to do their jobs in a professional manner. Right? But really, I will miss a few of the people I worked with there. But I think that it is probably for the best that this chapter in my life is closing and forcing me to move on.

And I did make a few promising calls this afternoon and already have an interview on Friday. Granted, it is for part-time work. On weekends. At night. But it is work, and it could be interesting. Also, I have a guy going to call me back Monday to set up an interview for a job. This would be more of a full-time job. Sort of. Sounds like it would be three days a week and I would basically be on call for 24 hours at a time. But here's the really cool part. The job is picking up dead people. From hospitals and houses and stuff. Not everyone can say that they have done this. Doesn't pay great, but it would also be a job. And it could potentially allow me to spend a couple of days a week working for a contractor learning more of the stuff that I want to learn how to do. So that would be cool too.

Guess we'll see what happens.

I actually did not head home tonight until just a couple minutes to midnight. Was fun to be out talking with friends that late. Hasn't happened in a long time. Most of my friends are younger than myself, but like to go to sleep a lot earlier than I normally do. Which means that I am usually at home for several hours before it is time to sleep. So I will take any opportunity I have to actually get home after midnight when it is about bedtime. Very nice. And it is always fun to spend time with the friends. Hence the reason they are friends...

mood: full
music: Evanescence

Thursday, January 04, 2007

time to say goodbye

Well, those few days/weeks that I thought I had to find a job while I was still employed? Not so much anymore. Get to sleep in as much as I want to now. Or get up really early every day to try to beat everyone else to the good jobs.

And I thought my 100th post on here was going to be an exciting thing. Well, at least it's a memorable one...

mood: headache
music: "Rusty Cage" - Johnny Cash

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

a few words too many

See, I told you I would be back on here later. Posting at eight at night is just way too early to get any of the good, clear, life-changing thoughts that come to me later at night.

Quick employment update. Took a while to get a hold of anyone at the office today to find out if I still had a job. But I did, and I do. For now at least. Didn't have any work to do today, but it sounds like I have a mostly full day tomorrow. So that's good. At least I have a little more time to try to find another job while I am still working.

And on to a quick Alias update. Finished watching season 2 sometime over the weekend (seriously, all the days just sort of mushed all together) and am currently probablyh almost half through season 3. This means that fake Francie has died once and almost a second time, Syd has a two- year gap in her memory, Vaughn has gotten married to the evil blond who at first hates Syd and then likes her enough to shoot someone to help bust her out of prison, and Will has now been banished to the witness protection program. I think I like Jack more each episode that I watch this time around. He is so awesome! And really, why is there not more Weiss?

I actually remembered to brush my teeth twice today. Feels rather nice to be going to bed with a clean mouth.

And now I have just remembered that I put off getting gas in my truck until morning and I also have to head in the opposite direction of my first job so that I can swing by the office to pick up stuff. This all just means that it is definitely going to be sleepy time by the time I get everything else tied up that I need to tonight if I end this right now.

Oh yeah, one last thing. My mother was involved in an accident today. Thankfully, she is fine. Just a little fender bender. Hit a guy who was driving a rental and ran an apparently very red turn arrow. The car is a little banged up, I guess, but that is not as bad as mom being a little banged up...

mood: excited, at times, and sleepy, definitely sleepy
music: "So Long, So Long" - Dashboard Confessional

a little fall of rain

So this post is probably, most likely, and in all reality going to be edited or added to later in the evening, but I had some thoughts that I felt like getting down while they were fresh. And, as I was just about to settle into reading for a while, now is as good a time as any.

My birthday was last Friday. Probably the most enjoyable birthday I have had in a very long time. And, if not for the fact that the conference call confirming that my employment will be ending soon hadn't come on the same day, it would have been all around a very nice day. As it turns out, I got a little left-over snow from Thursday so everyone was paranoid and our office was closed so I didn't have to go down to the office for aforementioned (wow, i spelled that right the first try, before i even looked it up!!!) conference call. And because there was snow, I got to shovel a little bit. Quite an enjoyable way to get a workout. Then I spent the day with some friends who had no clue that it was my birthday until we all went to my parents house for supper. (I have decided that it is more relaxing for me the less other people plan for my birthday, so I usually don't remind anyone of my birthday)

The disturbing part of the day was the traditional wish before blowing out the candles. For some reason, I usually end up making some stupid wish about getting something that I want or something totally unrealistic. Typical wish stuff, but for somehow it is still hard for me to think of even the cheesy stuff to wish for when the time comes. And then there was this year... I just freaking froze! Couldn't think of anything. Course, it didn't help that my parents decided to start throwing ideas at me even before I remembered that I did, indeed, need to make a wish. And, as a matter of course, I have never been one to enjoy other's suggestions. Don't really know why, but in instances like this, or how to start a report, or ideas for science projects, etc., I have always set myself against my entire life. So of course I couldn't take any of the suggestions that they were hurling at me, and with having to try to block them out, and think at the same time, all while watching the candles burn down and start to drip wax on my cup cakes...I just couldn't do it. At least, I couldn't with the other stupid things that my brain decided to whisper to me then. Like the fact that everyone there was going to know what I wished for if I actually wished for what I really wanted to right then (the only thought that actually would enter my head). But I couldn't wish for it if everyone was going to know what it was, cause then it wouldn't come true. So, admist all the confusion, I just half-closed my eyes for a split second and then blew out the candles. I had a thought in my head for what I wanted to wish, but even as the words "I wish for" were passing through my mind, I told myself "I can't atually wish for that" and by then I was already blowing out the candles only getting as far in my wish as "I wish for". So pretty much just wasted that wish. Or maybe not. We shall see.

mood: whole lot better today than yesterday
music: just the iTunes, but a lot of stuff that I haven't listened to for a while

Monday, January 01, 2007

safer on the outside

So, it is now officially the new year here in the good 'ol mountain time zone.

music: "Safer on the Outside" - American Hi-Fi (guess iTunes does know a little about what songs it chooses)