Thursday, May 31, 2007

long time

Ok. So I just managed to stay up till after 1 in the morning reading. Been a while since I've done that. Kinda nice. Just finished the third H.P. book. I wasn't really planning on finishing it, but I had forgotten how insane the last like little over a hundred pages of it are...and kinda just didn't ever want to put it down. So I finished it. Now I have to stop by my house tomorrow to pick up book four. Didn't think I would read more than a book and a half in a week. Oops.

And I'm really hungry now. All I had for supper was a can of Dr. Pepper and a Snickers ice cream bar. Not bad. That and lunch managed to hold me over till about 11 at night. But man I got a powerful hunger now. Guess that's what breakfast is for.

Cause I'm pretty sure that I should maybe try to get a little sleep now.

music: something from the Superman Returns soundtrack...can't really hear it too well, don't want to wake the puppy up...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007



Monday, May 28, 2007

stand still

And no, that is not in reference to the song "Stand Still, Look Pretty" by The Wreckers. Although, I must admit, that's a dang good song...

Been able to enjoy some iTunes the last couple of days. Although I am ending up listening to a good amount of Christmas music, as it seems like that is at least half of what they have on here. Not a bad thing though. Always nice to think about Christmas a little bit.

Was at the parent's house most of the afternoon and evening today. Putting in a sink. Which turned into tearing down the cieling of their little patio outside. Going to Home Depot and Lowes to look for stuff. Re-wiring a couple of lights. Starting to change the screen door closer thing on the back door. Putting the shower head on. And finally putting a sink together. Oh, and eating supper. Always a good thing.

Went and played a new disc golf course today. Well, played most of it. It ended up being an insanely long course and the back nine was taking FOREVER to play and all the other guys had places to get to, so we ended up playing thru 12 and then hit 14 on the way back. But it was nice to get to a different course and have to think about shots and stuff. Need to go back sometime when I have like 3 hours to play and do the whole thing.

Seems like it is getting to be the time of year for all the weddings to be starting again. Seems like everyone I know is going to weddings all the time right now. And strangely enough, I only know one person getting married at all in the near future. And I can't even make it to the wedding. Bummer to, cause it's in South Carolina and I love going there. Oh well.

So much on the mind right now. Couldn't even fall alseep last night when I tried to, and it was already like 1:30 in the a.m. But for once it is mostly about what is going on in other people's lives instead of my own. I would say that it is a nice change, but I think I would much rather have problems than know that someone else is hurting or going through a tough time. Guess maybe I just need to learn that there are some things that I can't fix.

Having a holiday today was nice but it still would have been nice to play some softball. Almost hurts when we don't have that on Monday.

Garth is great.


music: "The Dance" -- Garth Brooks

Thursday, May 24, 2007

the confusion sets in

Incredibly irritated right now. Both with my bank and myself. But mostly my bank. They are not going to last another month as my bank unless they somehow respond in a very unexpected way tomorrow when I call them. Happiness is far from me in this realm right now.

But I am at the house of my good friend, Nola right now. And her owners are leaving bright and early in the morning and I get to spend a whole week with her. And Snikers ice cream. MMMM.

"Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind"

Accidentally found One Tree Hill on tv last night. That was a blast from the past. Ok, so maybe not the too distant past, but it sure seems like it. Think I may have actually gotten a chill at the end of the show. I know, I know. It's a cheesy high school show that most of the time seems like it could be written by high school freshman... But for some reason it just gets to me.

Better go read now so I can feel smart.

music: "It's All Coming Back To Me Now" -- Celine Dion

Monday, May 21, 2007

the fantastic

...and the mundane.

So, the long awaited, and much anticipated first softball game of the year was tonight. And yep, pretty much picked up right where we left off last year. But I think once we get into it a little more we can turn things around. We gave them a couple runs on bonehead plays and they made some very nice plays that probably ended up taking a few runs from us. Just one of those nights. But it was fun and good to be out on a real field again.

Watched the last couple minutes of the season finale of Heroes tonight. Haven't really seen any of the second half of the season, so I was pretty much lost and didn't really want to watch it in case I spoiled something big for myself. But I just couldn't get myself to change the channel either. I so need this to come out on dvd soon. Like yesterday. Or hope that the friends with the TiVo still have all the episodes I've missed so I can catch up this weekend while I hang out with their dog.

And I saw my first commercial for the new Harry Potter movie that is coming out in July. Looks like it is going to be pretty awesome. Think I may be a little more excited for it than some of the previous ones just because I finally started re-reading all the books and should have just enough time to get through all of them, and possibly the movies as well in time to go see the new movie and read the new book this summer. Which reminds me...I should be at home right now reading, not lollygagging around my parents house wasting time. I'm only almost half-way through the second book. Lots left to read. But I was actually helping my dad with the new bathroom a little. So it isn't like I was just totally wasting time...

Sure wish I had some salsa to go with these Tostitos...

music: "Stolen" -- Dashboard Confessional

Sunday, May 20, 2007

adeste fidelis

Don't really know where that came from, in the middle of May, but take it for what it's worth.

Just got out of graduation for the seniors at the high school here. Very nice little ceremony. Going to miss having a few of those guys around. Some good kids.

I borrowed a bike last week from one of the guys that I work with. Almost got to go on an epicly long bike ride with him on Saturday, but I was begged to play football instead. And, as it was our last football games of the season, I ended up doing that instead. At least that's overwith now. It was fun at times, but really more of a pain to get to (and get a full team to show up to) than anything else. So maybe I'll try to find a place around my house to go for a little bike ride tonight to try and get some exercise in today. Sounds like a good plan. Seen as how I spent all of yesterday afternoon and evening either sleeping, reading, or watching tv. Wasn't too bad of a day at all.

Or maybe I should just try to find some friends to hang out with tonight and relax some more before the week starts.

Hmm. Decisions, decisions.

We ended up winning second place in our Friday night volleyball league. And I have a nice, large lump/bruise on my hip to show for it!

Can't wait for softball tomorrow night. Sure hope we don't get rained out again.

I need to figure out how to be able to train someone at work. It's kind of a strange situation for me right now. Not that I haven't had jobs where I've had to at least partially train people before, but I feel like I still have a good amount to learn about what I'm doing myself. I mean, really, I've only been there for four months myself. And this guy says that he has already done a lot of what I'm supposed to be teaching him how to do. But, at least from seeing what he did last week, it sure doesn't seem like he's done much of it at all. So I guess I just need to find a way to tactfully re-train him to do it "our" way. Once I figure out exactly what "our" way is myself.

I managed to spill coffee on my shirt today. Guess walking and trying to drink at the same time are things that I just shouldn't try to do...

Maybe I'll just go and watch some Animaniacs. Seems like they have come up at least two or three times in the last couple of days. Must be a sign.

music: some NPR and a whole bunch of people out in the gym at the grad reception

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i will fight and defend

Did you know that Ozzie Smith won the Gold Glove award thriteen years. IN A ROW! That is insanity. Especially as a shortstop.

Do you ever get a feeling that you just want ot hit something? Or someone? Not saying that I do, wait, yes I do. From time to time. Not very often. But it happens. And I think that it can be a healthy feeling. Sort of. As long as it's not really a daily thing. And that it is caused by responses to appropriate things. Not just your average road-raged induced maddness. I know that there have been times in the past that something has happened to people I know and my response has been along the lines of, "if I had been there...", or "I would'a kiledl them if...".

I don't know that I necessarily agree with the viewpoint of a former co-worker who thought that a person couldn't really know themselves until they had been in a fight. I can see his point, but I don't hold it to be true. There have been times that I have almost wanted to get in a fight just to see what it was like and what I would do. But at the same time I'm not going to go out and pick a fight just for that reason. And the only time that I can remember having the slight opportunity of a fight it was a road-rage related incident (on the other person's part) and I managed to realize it really wasn't worth actually fighting about.

In all actuality, I'm pretty sure the only time I would fight anyone would be to defend myself or in more actuality, a friend. I am generally a fairly even keeled person, and I'm not generally so concerned with what people say or do to me. But I can get a little uppity when friends are involved.

And yeah. Not quite sure where all that came from. Must be the three hours of sleep I got last night. Not a good decision during the middle of the week. Not at all.

And that reminds me that I should probably try to catch up a little on that whole "sleep" thing tonight. Better run. Still got laundry to get through the dryer.

music: country!

Friday, May 11, 2007


Three straight hours of volleyball. Three matches. Eight games. Hundreds of points.

Going home and going to sleep.

Football game at noon.

Softball starts Monday!

I smell.

music: more radio drivel

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

make a memory


Seems like that is all I have been doing the last week and a half. Think we have roughed at least six, maybe seven, houses in that time. That's eight business days. There have definitely been times when it takes us eight days to do TWO houses. Guh.

But hours are good. And, as of Monday, I am making more money (raise) so hours are definitely a good thing, cause overtime pays even more now!

Didn't quite have time for lunch today. So, by the time that I was making myself some eggs for supper at like 7:30 tonight, I was sooooooo hungry I ended up with six eggs in the pan. Good stuff. Would have been a little better if I had actually had all the fixen's to throw in with them, but they were good, regaurdless.

Found out tonight that our leftfielder fractured his foot in his softball game that he had last night for a different league that he plays in. So that stinks. And he plays on our volleyball team on Fridays. Means he isn't going to be able to play this week. That stinks too. We could use him.

Got word on Monday that my running shoe that was left in Mississippi is finally in the mail and making its way to Denver. This is a good thing, as the weather is about perfect to start running again. But this means that I have to start running again.

Think I might try to do a little shopping this weekend and see if I can find some jeans that actually fit me. And maybe accidentally find a hat as well...

And I think that on Saturday I get to go to a bbq!!!!!! Think it'll be the first official one of the year. Getting excited already!

music: radio flippin

Monday, May 07, 2007

standing outside a broken phonebooth

Softball practice tonight. Had a blast. So much fun. Sorta wish we were playing actual games already, but I think I definitely needed this practice tonight. Looks like the suspicions that I had after last week's practice are going to come true. I'm playing shortstop. First time ever on a mens team. Played there a little in co-ed, but this is a whole different game than that is. Should be fun. And painful. Things definitely happen a lot faster there than in the outfield. And I think the team has a shot of winning a few games this year. Very excited right now.

First game next Monday!!!!!!!!!!

Had a fairly uneventful weekend. Did get to catch up on The Office. And that was about the most strenuous thing that I did on Saturday. Had a nice three-hour power nap too. What a beautiful thing.

Have actually been doing a little reading again lately. And I just remembered the other day that I need to re-read all the Harry Potter books, like now, so that I can actually remember what all has happened up till now.

Maybe I'll start that tonight.

Or not. Just remembered that I said I was going to try to be at work in Castle Rock at 7 a.m. Means I need to leave home about 6 a.m. That means I need to wake up about 5:30ish.

Maybe I'll just read a chapter or two of the first book while I let supper settle a little.

Hungry. So hungry. 9 is a little past supper time...

music: "Teardrops On My Guitar" -- Taylor Swift

Friday, May 04, 2007


As in, "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash".

Just watched a great high school play. No really, it was awesome. So funny. Running in the Red. That was the name of it. Great comedy. Definitely worth the four bucks it cost me to see it.

I so need to catch up on the last few weeks of The Office. Sounds like some good stuff going on. Hopefully I can squeeze that in tomorrow.

So hungry right now. Haven't really eaten supper at all this week. Just either haven't been hungry or can't think of anything that actually sounds good at the time. And I really don't mind this at all. But tonight. Wow. Could eat a horse right now. And I had a big lunch too. Huh.

Been having some strange dreams the last few nights. Last night I had gone out for a little bit after work with a couple of the guys that I work with and on the way out of the restaurant I grabbed a pack of matches. (no, I don't smoke, I just like fire) Anyway, then while I was sleeping last night I kept having this dream that this little scab I have on my chest right now kept opening up an bleeding everywhere (sorry, kinda gross, but true) and then I kept lighting matches and throwing them at someone. But I can't remember who I was throwing them at. And it wasn't like I was just throwing the matches one at a time. Seemed like I was pretty much lighting the whole book at once and throwing that. It was all kinda strange and bad horror-flickish.

And I haven't even been reading Poe before bed. That's going to be tonight... Although, I did read the Mask of the Red Death, or whatever it's called, on lunch break a couple of weeks ago. So maybe that is just how long it takes me to process things and develope it and translate it into something that is happening in my own life. Yeah. That has to be it.

I want to try to start riding a bike again. And running. Definitely need to start running again.

I have been doing some pullups the last few days. They are a ton easier to build up reps of now that I am like 20 pounds lighter than I was a while ago.

Football tomorrow! Hopefully we can get a full team there...

music: country radio