Monday, April 30, 2007

the kind of flawless i wish i could be

It's me. Minus a tooth.

I was actually very impressed with how smoothly the dentist pulled that little bugger out. Well, I guess it wasn't really very smoothly. But it didn't really hurt at all. Ever. Jaw was a little sore on Saturday, but it's doing rather well. And it wasn't so much a little bugger, either. The hole that is there now is huge. Huge, I tell you!

Had an awesome time at the Nuggets game on Saturday night. They lost, but it was a pretty close game. And even thought our tickets were on the third deck, we actually had a prettty good view of the game. Very fun.

Very tired right now. Going to go home. Throw laundry in. Take shower. Put laundry in dryer. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep some more. Wake up. Roll over. Sleep. Hit snooze. Sleep. And then maybe get up. Maybe. That is a decision that will be made in the morning.

music: country radio

Thursday, April 26, 2007

the good stuff

Yep. Kenny Chesney actually has recorded a couple of good songs amidst the torrents of bad ones.

Totally happy randomness tonight happened.

Makes my insides want to sing.

And even this slightly depressing violin piece that is on the radio is making me happy. Although, it just ended and it was titled as a romance of some sort or other, so I guess it should make me happy. Although a lot of romances don't really turn out too well, so maybe it was supposed to be depressing. Either way, it was a very beautiful piece. And I have actually been enjoying listening to NPR at times again. It's a nice change every now and again.

I'm so happy right now I think I'm going to go home and do a whole lot of pushups that I have been avoiding all week.

Oh, and as a little side-note thingy... I'm getting a tooth pulled tomorrow. Perfect way to start out the weekend. Getting a tooth pulled at 6:30 Friday night. But I'm really not that concerned about it right now. And I have so many other things to look forward to doing this weekend that I really have no time to let any pain (if there is going to be any resulting from this) to get in the way. So there.

Volleyball playoffs start tomorrow night. Football game on Saturday morning. And I get to go to the Nuggets playoff game on Saturday night.

Hope anyone who happens to read this has a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend. Go find a little hole in the wall restaurant and get yourself some good food. They are (generally) so much better than the chains and hey, they actually are glad to see you. Might cost ya a buck or two more, but the food should be worth it!

music: more NPR

Monday, April 23, 2007

the rain in spain stays...


Rainin today. Just a little bit though. Rather a nice rain, if I do say so myself. Perfect for softball practice.

And a good reason to just hide in bed and fall asleep early once I get home.

Glad my Twins hat fits me again. Guess I was just too fat before. But it fit when I bought it. Anyway. At least it fits now. Almost sorta like getting a new hat. And I've been very good and self-restrained (with this) and not gotten a new hat in almost two years now.

Think I might need to get a tooth pulled. This little bugger hurts!!

Of course I'm saying this as I continue to stuff caramel Hershey Kisses into the other side of my mouth....

music: Hyden.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Mansions of the Lord

Yes, I just got out of church. Yet that song is strong in my mind right now. And if you don't know what song I mean, it is The Mansions of the Lord. From the movie We Were Soldiers. Yes, that is what is on my mind immediately after leaving church. Why, cause we were shown a clip from the end of that movie as well as the end of Saving Private Ryan during the service tonight. Had a guest peacher who is a chaplin in the U.S. Air Force. He was very good. And those clips that he showed are probably two of my favorite ever. They are so powerful. And scored so beautifuly. Now I just want to go home and watch both movies. Don't think that I have the emotional strength to do that right now though. They are both very draining for me in that regaurd.

I could go on and on about both movies for a while if I let myself. But I'm not going to do that tonight.

My Uncle Karl and Aunt Jana just had their sixth baby (and first boy!) this weekend. If you can call him a baby. Guess he was 10 lbs. when he was born.

Had two football games on Saturday. And no subs for the first one. Yikes. Hurting. So much hurting. Not looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning. Just hope I can manage to roll out of bed.

music: some sadly depressing classical on NPR

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Ides of March

Only a month and three days later...

No really, it's about the exact opposite I feel right now.

Yes, the day was rather dull and windy. But then I went home. And there was a baseball game on the tv. And then I decided to listen to some music while I wrote some notes that I needed to write. And watch the baseball game. Cause really, who needs the commentators? And then I had a nice, and brief, conversation with one of my roommates. And then I got ready to leave. And I put on a hat that I haven't allowed myself to wear pretty much since last fall, cause I needed to save it for just the right day. And this evening felt like it could be taking a turn to be just that, so I put the hat on. And it felt perfect. Just like the first time I put it on. And then I drove over here to use the computer. And it was perfect outside. And they were playing the most excellent music on the radio for a night like this. And then, when I was almost here, I caught a chick checking me out a little from her car (not a bad thing at all).

And then I decided that, indeed, sometimes it is just better to just tell yourself that your problems don't really matter. They are only temporary anyway. Just better to focus on all the stuff that really matters. (actually, I think that writing those notes earlier got me started in the right direction. and the baseball) At the end of the day it doesn't really matter how many hours you've worked or how little sleep you've gotten or how hungry you might be or or or or or or. Anyway, you get the point. All focusing on that stuff will do is make your attitude worse. At least it does mine. And it sure has been this week. Not those things specifically, but regaurdless...

And I don't really know where any of this is coming from, but it came. Sorry. Enough.

I'm just happy right now. And that is a thing that I really enjoy. And I guess I really haven't let myself be too happy lately. But tonight I am.

And I'm glad that I have a Mama that loves me. And have friends that look out for me, whether they do it knowingly or not.

music: random classicalness on the radio, but some awesome song about heroes in my head that I obviously need to listen to more so I actually know it

Monday, April 16, 2007


There is so much to say. So many words just wanting to spill out of my head right now.

Going to keep them all there for now.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

all of these lines across my face

So I finished my taxes tonight. Fun Friday night. But I guess that's the price I pay for putting them off this long. Ended up owing a little federal (only a little, thanks to my dad who caught a mistake I had made that would have left me owing almost $500 more) and getting a refund from the esteemed state of CO, so I'll actually end up coming out a little bit ahead in the end. I hope. At least they're done now. All I have to do is go home and write a check out and then throw them all in the mail.

I actually got to watch The Office last night. Fisrt time in a long, long time! So funny. Now I just have to try to catch the couple of episodes that I'm still behind on and I'll be good. I love the warehouse guys. Not so much Roy, he's ok I guess, but the rest of them just crack me up. And Michael with the watermelons on the roof, doing it "Letterman style". Priceless.

Had a narrow escape with a drill and an inch and a half paddle bit yesterday. Could have gotten ugly, real ugly.

Had our last volleyball games of the regular season tonight. For some reason our coach let me play all three games. It was so much fun. Not just cause we won all three either. Everyone on that team is just a whole lot of fun to play with. And learn from. Think that's really why I was the only guy to play the enitre time tonight. I have the most to learn out of anyone else. But that's just fne with me. Need to learn it all. And I need the practice. Playoffs start week after next. Already excited about that!

Finally realized at about 11:30 that I hadn't really eaten any supper tonight. So now I'm eating leftover homemade pizza and hard boiled eggs. Tasty. Hits the spot at this time of night.

Think I might need a few ibuprofen too. Head has a little bit of the vise grip feeling comeing on. Think it's probably from sitting in this little chair for the last three and a half hours. Yuck.

Music: acoustic Matchbox 20

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

sittin on a big rock

At my parent's place right now. Came up here for a couple of reasons. Needed to get my taxes knocked out and also wanted to burn a couple of cds for a friend. I actually managed to remember to bring everything with me that I needed. At least that's what I thought when I left home. Apparently, I need more info from last year's tax return. Of course I failed to bring this along. I also forgot to bring any cds to burn music onto. So kinda can't do that either.

Guess I'm too forgetful or unorganized not to have my own computer. Doh!



Guess I'll just have to go eat some more food and go home. Least I'll be back up in the neighborhood on Friday so I can finish up. At least I'm 45% done with my taxes. Shouldn't take too long to finish them up. If I can actually find what I need at home. The more I think about it, the more I get that sick feeling that the info I need was on my computer. The computer that I don't have anymore...

music: The Wreckers

Sunday, April 08, 2007

18th floor balcony

Stopped at 7Eleven tonight for some coffee. Apparently not a good idea to get coffee at a convieniance store at eleven o'clock in the p.m. Stuff tasted like it had been sitting on the burner since noon. Funny thing is, the only reason I stopped there was that they have a little sign out that says they make their coffee fresh every 20 minutes. So maybe their clock stopped working...

For some strange reason, I really like writing with pencils. Nothing against pens. But pencils just seem to fit me better. Probably the whole eraser thing. Cause I usually need to use those things a lot.

Seems like its been forever since I've written anything on here. It has been a week, and a very very busy week at that. But it seems like even longer.

But it was a pretty fun week. Watched 3 movies (Shooter, Red Eye, Pursuit of Happyness, and Rocky Balboa). Ok, that's actually 4 movies. Nice. And yes, I know that "Happyness" is not spelled with a "y". But that's how they spell it. Watch the movie. You'll get it. But don't watch it at night. It's pretty much the reason that I'm still up and writing on here. And it's already almost one in the morning now. But it's a great movie. So was Rocky. And Red Eye was kind of a cool movie too. A little different from your normal suspense movies. And if you want to see a movie with a lot of shooting, watch Shooter. Very appropriately named. Great great movie.

Also this week: Went bowling twice, for a total of 5 games. Had Easter dinner a day early. Had my sister's birthday dinner a month and a half early. Learned a couple new games, and played a couple old ones. Had a friend cancel their moving plans because of snow. In April. When it has been in the 70s and 60s for the last couple of weeks.

But my most favorite thing of the whole entire week, (sorry sister, I love you and loved having you out here, but...) holding my friend's new baby girl. She is so tiny and perfect and beautiful.

And that's about it.

Next week brings the start of softball practice!, the start of another volleyball league, the almost end of the other volleyball league, more football (which I am probably skipping, yea!), and a ton of work to do at work. Sounds like a fun week. And a week that I should be at home in bed sleeping for right now so that I have the energy to make it through it all. But I just can't yet. And I figure I'll just sleep all day Sunday. I know that it's Easter and all. The Sunday where people who don't really hardly go to church will maybe go to church. But right now my head is just not going to let me sleep.

Maybe I should at least go and try...

music: Dashboard Confessional

Sunday, April 01, 2007

he was walking her home

Softball practice starts in a week!

Rockies home opener is tomorrow! Not a huge Rockies fan yet. But it means the start of baseball season. And that means that summer is right around the corner. And I'm really excited about that for some reason this year.

I need to start running.

Championship game tomorrow night. Watch it. Should be one of the best games of the tourney. And there have been some really good ones.

My sister is a stinker. She's the only one who tried to pull an April fools on me this year. And she is a little stinker.

music: K-Love on the radio