Friday, November 30, 2007

fords and trucks

So I was singing along with the radio last night on my way home from work. There was a line in the song that had the word truck in it. Except that I thought that the word was going to be Ford. So I had to switch to truck halfway through... Kind of made me chuckle. I was tired.

I don't have my usual excitement for Fridays today. And I don't even have to work tomorrow. I am more just glad that the week is over than anything else right now. And I'll hopefully get a little excited, maybe sometime tomorrow...

I love how I try to plan out my emotions. Fun times.

Guess I still have a little of that "tortured mind" thing going on.

musci: "Some Devil" -- Dave Matthews

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

be sure to leave all the lights on

Was pretty much exhasted all day yesterday. But it was still a great day! For the most part.

While I was getting ready to go to the second job, I got a call from an old friend who I hadn't talked with in quite a few months. Then work kinda sucked, but it still was kinda fun. If you know what I mean. For a second job, it's really not too bad at all. Kinda like being there. Usually...

I swear though, if I hear Santa Baby one more time...

Decided to wear shorts to work today. Not really sure how that is going to work out, but I guess I'll find out soon enough. Maybe I should invest in a couple more pairs of jeans I can wear to work. Hmm.

But today. Today is going to be a good day. Can tell already. Amazing how the smallest things can set the tone for an entire day.

music: Dave Matthews/Tim Reynolds

Monday, November 26, 2007

only some of us are listening

So wow. Been a little while. See if I can remember how to type...seems to be going ok so far, so lets get to it.

First things first! The Third Annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Bowl. And the winners are.... Well, we were only able to scrounge up a whopping five players this year (everyone is moving away) and the all-time qb changed at halftime, so winning doesn't hold a whole ton of bragging rights this year. But Josh and I did happen to come out ahead... And it was warm enough to wear shorts in the snow, which was awesome. (but cold enough to get strange looks from people who saw or who heard about it later, oops) Great times though.

Apparently, I have forgotten how to drink today. Must be an important thing to wait to tip the cup until it is all the way pressed against your lips...

"It sucks being an old man with a tortured mind." I believe this was the statement I made to my friend last night as we left the movie around midnight. And indeed, attempting to sleep last night sucked. Just didn't happen so much. Ooh, but I did have a dream that I need to email a friend about, so I better get going on that.

But speaking of the movie... Saw August Rush last night. Awesome. It is actually kind of a sad movie, for the most part, and the way they end it kind of sucked. But I was actually smiling at points. For large chunks of the movie. Should definitely go see it. And it had a huge trailer in it for The Golden Compass (yes, I know, apparently a horrible movie but we'll talk about that later) which I managed to completely talk through, but it looked incredible! But about August...if you want to see what Hugh Grant looked like as a child, go see it.

And as far as my avoiding the substance, well I just keep running out of time. Didn't even have time to tell you what music I was listening to last time. And I'm more than out of time again now. So you'll just have to keep waiting....

music: "Baby" -- Dave Matthews

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

horses in a line

So you want more substance, do you? I'll give you more substance!

Well, actually probably not. This is me after all. And I'm pretty sure the sub-line to my title contains the words "wandering mind". Although I could be wrong on that point. It has been quite a while since I wrote that and it's not like I look at that every day...

What I'll probably do is end up spouting off about peanut butter sandwiches or bacon and eggs or some such thing. But seen as how I am trying not to eat any breakfast today, I should probably refrain from talking too much about food right now.

However, I may know what sort of substance you are looking for. And it has very little to do with pb or any other food for that matter. Thing is, I don't know if I'm quite ready to start writing too much about that right now.

ANd now it's time to go.

Friday, November 16, 2007

seems to me

I love waking up late.

So happy right now. Think it may last all weekend. And it's not even "big paycheck friday". Pretty sweet.

music: just a ton of songs from last night...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

shiver cold

Pretty much just worked all day yesterday. Not too much of anything to talk about.

I suppose that I could tell you about the huge gouges that I put in the side of one of the work vans yesterday. But that story has been told, and it really isn't all that interesting. Let's just say that there is a dumpster somwhere in Denver that has a little white paint on the corner of it.

And that's that.

music: "Stay Or Leave" -- Dave Matthews

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

it's not hard to believe

"the girlshapedlovedrug messes with my mind"

So last week was a little crazy busy. But tons of fun! And, for the sake of time and the fact that I managed to injur myself again yesterday, that is all you will hear about last week. And it's all past. Who wants to live in the past?!

And I know y'all are probably worried since I said that I hurt myself yesterday. Don't worry. I'll be ok. Just managed to try to rip off my thumb nail while attempting to get a rather heavy box up onto the top shelf. Sort of caught my thumb on another shelf on the up-swing. Hurt a little. Bled a little. But the nail is still attatched. Just a little tender at the moment.

Spent about an hour on the phone last night after work. That was very nice.

But look at the time. Seems like I always get to the stuff that might actually be interesting for you to read at the same time that I have to start work. Sad times. Perhaps maybe a Christmas collection to aid in the purchase of a new computer would be in line? Then I could go back to writing at all hours of the night. When I'm "inspired". Well, maybe that really isn't exactly the path to take to convice y'all to help me get a new computer...

music: ummm, right now Gomez

Friday, November 09, 2007

just a song

If you're looking for a great song to put in your "just chillin" mix, this is it. Beck "Go It Alone". It would also work nicely in many other mixes, such as the "dancing around the kitchen" mix or the "driving real slow, listening to good music" mix.

Have a great day! It's Friday!

music: Beck

Thursday, November 08, 2007

makes it ok

Wow. Seems like there is so much to say, but I seem not able to remember most of it. Think mostly from the lack of sleep.

Oh! We won our volleyball games last night. So that was exciting.

And the Avs won, in overtime. No, I wasn't at the game, but I had inside-the-stadium updates coming from two sources. Ok, so really only one source, but there were two of them there.

Got to do a ton of walking and driving yesterday. Always nice to have a good mix of standing/moving and sitting.

Got to do some mini bowling last night. Lost. Then got to play some pool. Pretty sure we all lost playing that, seen as how we didn't even finish two games in the hour+ that we were playing. It was pretty pathetic.

And I'm certain that the clock in my truck said the exact same thing when I left my house this morning as it did when I pulled up there earlier this morning; only it was three hours later. So I guess just the minutes were the same...

And in more exciting news. Oops, look at the time. Have to go get the van loaded up and get on the road. Have to get back to ya'll with the exciting stuff...

music: "Gravedigger (acoustic) -- Dave Matthews

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

everyday things change

So I had one of those walking down the street naked dreams this morning. Except for the fact that I wasn't actually walking down the street naked. Somehow my bed had managed to migrate its way down to BR during the night and I had lost all my clothes while it did so. (maybe I had to push it down there and just got too warm) So when I woke up, which it definitely wasn't morning time anymore, I was going to get out of bed only to realize that I had no clothes 0n, and more importantly, that I was at a store at least 15 miles from my clothes. And there were definitely people walking by the front of the store. At perfectly spaced intervals to make getting out of bed impossible without being seen.

And then I woke up. And looked at my door fully expecting to, indeed, be sleeping in the mall. Thankfully I was still in my room at home.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone in to work there early yesterday. And definitely shouldn't have stayed late. Or maybe it was the Mongolian egg rolls I ate at like midnight. Think those definitely may have possibly contributed to the strangeness...

But it would cut down my commute time a ton if I just started sleeping there...

And now it's time to work again.

music: "Ants Marching" -- Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds

Monday, November 05, 2007

it matters much to me

So, the weekend. Guess not really a whole lot happened...

Worked till 3 on Saturday, then went up to the parent's to see my sister. Had some supper and then helped make three pies. (of which I have only had one piece and there is a strange thought in the back of my head that that may be all I'm going to see of them...) Then went out and hung out with some friends for a little while.

Sunday I worked till almost 8 and then went to see American Gangster with the sister. Pretty decent movie. Apparently though, they thought it necessary to keep showing random naked women cutting heroin. Not Denzel's best work. Now Man On Fire...that was a movie.

This week: Work late Monday/Tuesday. Wednesday = volleyball. Thursday/Friday night off! and Saturday! And my aunt and uncle are coming Thursday too! Should be a great week. Not really planning on getting any sleep, but hey. Always say sleep is overrated...

Well, I guess that I'm off to work early today. And not cause I actually want to get an early start. Oh well. Guess it's all money. And last week was a little slow...

music: "Typical Situation" -- Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds

Thursday, November 01, 2007

deep river bed

Saw a fox running in Wash Park last night. No really. A fox. The little red kind.

So we sort of lost our volleyball games again last night. But I thought that we played pretty dang well considering. I think once (if) we can get our actual whole team to be able to be there for a couple of weeks in a row that we'll be pretty good. And hey, it's a rec league. Just supposed to be having fun and getting a little exercise to boot. And I have definitely been having fun. Except when cursing the ref...

Think I bruised the bottom of my foot yesterday on a ladder. I don't recommend getting on a ladder with only socks on your feet. Doesn't mean that I don't do it myself, but I certainly don't recommend it. But I made it thru volleyball last night with just a little floor burn on the knee. So I thought I was doing fairly well for the week. Until I nailed my elbow on a stupid little shelf in the shower this morning. Sucker hurt. Guess I just need to quit moving so I don't hurt myself.

Can't believe that the sister comes in just two days! Just a little excited about that.

music: "Grey Blue Eyes" -- Dave Matthews