Thursday, April 10, 2008



Heard on the news last night to expect 2-4 inches of snow this morning. Didn't really believe them so much. Saw a snow plow truck driving around on the highway late last night while on my way home from work. Thought that he should be on his way home too, not driving aimlessly around wasting my taxpayer money on "plowing" when it wasn't really even raining much anymore... Woke up this morning...and there was a good amount of snow out there. And it's still coming down quite nicely.

Should be a fun day on the roads.

Well, I suppose I should get some stuff ready now for whenever everyone else decides to show up at the office... Hope you all have a wonderful day filled with dreams of a sunny beach somewhere with the breeze softly swaying your hammock for you...

music: Jimmy Eat World

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Bonus points for anyone who can tell me what that stands for!

A Fine Frenzy last night. Super long show. At least it seemed that way. The openers took FOREVER, and the first one was next to horrible (seriously, i don't care about the altitude, singing two syllables betweet breaths is not the way to go) with the sencond only a couple of music lessons ahead of the first. But after an incredibly long break between acts, they had to do nothing to the set, A Fine Freny played! And what a fine time it was! They played an awesome set. Pretty much hit everything from their first album. Plus she threw in a couple of covers, which were awesome, and then their last encore song (they played like 4 or 5) they played a song from their upcoming album. Think this may have actually been my favorite song of the night! Glad I stuck around for it.

And their singer, Allison, was one of the sweetest, cutest people ever. I think she thanked the audience multiple times after pretty much every song and told us how great we were.

So in all, it was definitely an enjoyable evening. Think I'm just going to have to start going to shows a little later to miss some of the openers...

And now that I was "supposed" to have started work 10 minutes ago...

music: not A Fine Freny, but I did wake up with them in my head!