Don't really know where that came from, in the middle of May, but take it for what it's worth.
Just got out of graduation for the seniors at the high school here. Very nice little ceremony. Going to miss having a few of those guys around. Some good kids.
I borrowed a bike last week from one of the guys that I work with. Almost got to go on an epicly long bike ride with him on Saturday, but I was begged to play football instead. And, as it
was our last football games of the season, I ended up doing that instead. At least that's overwith now. It was fun at times, but really more of a pain to get to (and get a full team to show up to) than anything else. So maybe I'll try to find a place around my house to go for a little bike ride tonight to try and get some exercise in today. Sounds like a good plan. Seen as how I spent all of yesterday afternoon and evening either sleeping, reading, or watching tv. Wasn't too bad of a day at all.
Or maybe I should just try to find some friends to hang out with tonight and relax some more before the week starts.
Hmm. Decisions, decisions.
We ended up winning second place in our Friday night volleyball league. And I have a nice, large lump/bruise on my hip to show for it!
Can't wait for softball tomorrow night. Sure hope we don't get rained out again.
I need to figure out how to be able to train someone at work. It's kind of a strange situation for me right now. Not that I haven't had jobs where I've had to at least partially train people before, but I feel like I still have a good amount to learn about what I'm doing myself. I mean, really, I've only been there for four months myself. And this guy says that he has already done a lot of what I'm supposed to be teaching him how to do. But, at least from seeing what he did last week, it sure doesn't seem like he's done much of it at all. So I guess I just need to find a way to tactfully re-train him to do it "our" way. Once I figure out exactly what "our" way is myself.
I managed to spill coffee on my shirt today. Guess walking and trying to drink at the same time are things that I just shouldn't try to do...
Maybe I'll just go and watch some Animaniacs. Seems like they have come up at least two or three times in the last couple of days. Must be a sign.
music: some NPR and a whole bunch of people out in the gym at the grad reception