Friday, August 31, 2007

every time we go

So a couple of days ago we were driving back to the jobsite from lunch and were listening to the "throwback lunch" on the radio. Funny thing was they were playing a song that came out while I was in college. Guess that's just confirmation that I am getting old. At least they aren't playing songs on the classic stations that came out while I was in high school like is happening to one of the other guys I work with...

So excited about this weekend. Not that I have a ton of plans or anything. But I do have a few plans and it seems like the rest of the time is going to be magically filled with wondrous activities. Ergo, the excitement.

And, I remembered to grab my cd case full of all the "throwback" music on my way out the door this morning. So we should have a nice day of music at the job, instead of having to listen to the radio all day.

And I think that maybe it won't take us all day to finish this house, and getting off an hour or two or three early on a Friday isn't really a bad thing.

Had another late night phone conversation last night. Still don't really know what's going on there, but at least we're talking a little more frequently than the week and a half gaps that used to be there. Baby steps this time I guess. Not a bad thing.

music: just got done listening to Sugarcult's Start Static album. Always forget that it is such a great album. Lots of good stuff on there. Yea for the throwbacks!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

i'm already 30% more unpredictable

For all of you out there who love The Office, there is an awesome Summer Vacation clip on YouTube. Go check it out. I have it playing in the backround right now just so I can listen to it over and over. Thank you for finding this Jess!

"Fact. An improperly dug outhouse is more dangerous than a loaded gun."

Really don't know what else to say now. Seemed like I had more that I was going to write, but now the only thoughts in my head are about how excited I am about The Office. I can't wait!

music: just the sounds of THE OFFICE!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

reply to comments disguised as a post

Thank you for likeing the house that we did, Kathy. Glad it was one of your favorites. Sadly, I don't have an opinion on that myself. See, we never got to go look at any of the other houses in the Parade. Why?, you ask. Well see, our owner took it upon himself to not inform, or invite, any of his employees of when industry night was when we could have gone out there and viewed all the houses. (this made me just a teensy-weensy bit upset) And, given the amount of time that I had already spent out there, I never really felt like paying the money to go out and see all the houses. There were a few that looked pretty cool though. Glad you had an opportunity to enjoy them.

And as to my vaugness... Well, I'll work on that. But for now, I think that Friday night's conversation is just going to stay with me. (see, you already got a little more information out of me)

And now to go work alone all day. Well, "alone" is relative. I'm sure there'll be roofers and electricians and plumbers and HVAC guys crawling all over the house too. Thus making my job even that much more fun.

music: "Almost Lover" -- A Fine Frenzy

Monday, August 27, 2007

i cannot go to the ocean

So last week was a little crazy. Seemed like every time I wanted to get on here something happened to keep me away. Or I just had nothing to say...

But really, I did wake up 20 minutes before I was supposed to be at work one day. Nothing like seeing your clock at that point to seriously test the current strength of your heart muscles. Guess mine are still working alright...I was only five minutes late to work (which means I was still the third one here) and I even took a shower and traffic was slow on top of it all. Guess I could sleep in a little more often than I think.

Had a nice, relaxing weekend. Didn't really do a whole lot of anything exciting. Saturday I didn't get out of, or off of my bed, other than to take a shower and cook a pizza, until after 6 at night. Yep. Finally "woke up" about 9. Took a nap from about 11 to 2. Watched some baseball. Read a little. Watched a couple episodes of The Office from season 1. And then finally realized it was almost night time and I better get out and do something. So I drove up to a friend's house and watched some football in HD. Pretty stressful day...

I did help put up a fence on Sunday afternoon. Or most of a fence. Unfortunately, it's not quite finished. But that is not due to the skills of those of us who were putting up the fence. We would have finished it. The person who had put the fence posts in had forgotten to follow a few of the basic rules of putting in fence posts; such as measuring between the posts... But it was good times. And nice to actually do something over the weekend.

I didn't really even do anything Friday night. Went and watched a couple softball games, but I think I was home by about 9. Still didn't get to sleep till closer to 3 in the a.m...but I was home early. And the reason that I was up late was a good one. Not that I really need a reason to be up late. Pretty much any excuse will work for me on that one. Especially on a Friday night. But this time it was something I could probably get away with calling worthwhile. I wasn't just laying in bed mindlessly flipping through the channels on TV for hours on end without ever really watching anything. (and yes, that does happen more often than I would care to admit) But that is all that you need to know about that so I'll just try to stop rambling on about it as I am not actually going to give you any details about it.

And now it's Monday again already. Which means disc golf night! Pretty excited about that. Get to see if the extra practice I put in last week at the course we are going to play tonight will pay off at all.

And last night on Baseball Tonight they did their top 10 list of best all time home runs. Pretty cool. And Kirby's home run from the '87 World Series made the list, so that pretty much just made my day. Sometimes forget how much fun he was to watch.

And now that part of Monday that makes us all love Mondays sooooo much.

music: A Fine Frenzy

Monday, August 20, 2007

pride and joy

So much excitement!

This just isn't right for a Monday morning. Not even close.

And in other news... Santana's line for last night's game: 8 IP, 0 R, 2 H, 0 BB, 17 S. Yep, you read that last stat correctly. 17 strikeouts! Faced 26 batters, struck 17 of them out. And still only threw a total of 112 pitches. Amazing! And the Twins even managed to get a win out of it too. So much fun. Wish I coulda watched the game.

And as always, work bekons.

music: Stevie Ray Vaughn

Friday, August 17, 2007

nothing says rock 'n roll like chocolate cake


Funday Funday Funday! What day does that come after? ANY day!

This portion of today's show has been brought to you by the letter "M", the number "3", and Jenny. We would like to thank them all for their generous donations.

I think I need to wash my Cubs hat yet again. This'll be like the third or fourth time, just over the summer. But it's lookin pretty gross.

Last night I had a strange craving to make a grilled peanut butter and bacon sandwich. Don't worry, it didn't happen. Didn't have any bacon, and my bread is still a little too fresh to handle that right at this point. But I think it'll happen soon...

So much more to say, so little time... Speaking of talking, I spent an inordinate amount of time using my phone last night. It was quite strange. But it helped pass the time.

music: Stevie Ray Vaughn Live at Carnegie Hall

Thursday, August 16, 2007

you don't give me the time of day

Ok, wow. So it's Thursday already. This week has just kinda flown by.

Let's see, what have I been up to this week? Ah yes. Played a little disc golf on Monday. Hadn't played that course for a month or so, but I guess there really is a thing as muscle memory. And what little I had was remembering just about all the good throws I've had there and putting them all together. It was pretty fun. Should have done a little better than I did, but still... Definitely the lowest score I've ever had on 18 holes. And I only used two discs!

Tuesday I got to hang with the parents for a little bit. Actually watched the news for once. Was quickly reminded why I don't watch the news. It just gets me too worked up. Guess I should. Cause it actually made my brain do a little bit of work. But still... Then we watched some Teen Jeopardy. That was pretty sweet. Always nice to know I know at least almost as much as the nerdy high schoolers. And sometimes even know something that they don't! The one kid apparently has a thing for Norway simply based on the word "fjord". And well, can you really blame him? I think he has a very valid point. Fjord is a sweet word. Seriously.

Think that pretty much does it for the week thus far. Work has been pretty crazy busy the last week or two. Surprisingly. But it's good. Busy, but busy is good. And exhausting. It's hot out there.

And speaking of work... It's that time again.

music: Stevie Ray Live at Carnegie Hall

Monday, August 13, 2007

hands down

Ok, so really I should probably save that subject line for a future post, but as my dating life has been...well, what it's been lately...I may as well just use it now.

Listened to an inordinate amount of Dashboard Confessional over the last few days. Hate to say it, but they just grow and grow on me the more that I listen to them. And yes, I know that the subject matter of a good part of their songs is pretty much on the young, angsty teen side of things. That's probably why I like them so much. Cause that's probably where I have finally made it to mentally. Least most of the time. But anyway. Regaurdless of the subject matter...I also am a fan of their sound and energy. They know their audience and it seems like they have a lot of fun performing for them.

Doesn't seem like I really did a whole lot this weekend otherwise. Watched a little softball Friday night. Played a little disc golf Saturday evening. Thankfully we didn't play the whole course, cause I was playing absolutely horribly! And watched parts of old Die Hard and Terminator movies on tv. And I managed to read a little too. And got to watch a little baseball last night as well. In all, not a bad way to spend the weekend at all.

And then I went for a run last night. Little shorter than the last one I took a few weeks ago. And, at least so far, my knees don't really hurt at all today. Which is a very good thing. Cause I really really really need to start running. A lot.

But it's time for work now.

music: Regina Spektor

Friday, August 10, 2007

just when you thought you were falling

Got to play some disc golf last night. So much fun. And it was the second time out this week. We played a nice hilly course, so it was a pretty good workout too. I was really pumped though, because the one hole where the regulation tee makes you throw over a pond, and it is a pretty decent throw,...well, I finally threw from there last night. And killed it. Could have been a little bit better throw as far as accuracy goes, but it made it over the water. With like fifty feet to spare. So that was fun. And we managed to get three of us out there playing which is always a good time. And Jerry had some new discs to try out, which meant that he didn't have a prayer of beating me. And that is always fun.

You know what else is fun. Eating ham and cheese sandwiches on toast for breakfast.

And listening to The Wallflowers.

Been kind of a crazy busy week. But it's Friday now, which means the rest of the week becomes null and void in the face of the weekend. So I'll spare you the garish details and let us all just bask in thoughts of the joys that will happen once we get to leave work this afternoon.

And speaking of the weekend...there is still a good chance I might be able to get out and play some disc golf at some point. Very good chance...

music: "Hands Down" -- Dashboard Confessional

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

bright colors

So the other day when I was driving away from work as quickly as I could, the radio station I had on played a little clip of Michael Scott from The Office. Made me laugh so hard! And it made me really excited for the next season of The Office to start already! Other than the baseball playoffs, I can't really think of anything else I'm as excited about for this fall.

Last night when I was trying to fall asleep I think I about had a train wreck of a stream of conscienceness thing going on. Couldn't really concentrate on any one thing long enough to ride it into dreamland. Kept bouncing from thing to thing and back again several things later. Like a pinball machine on crack.

And that brings up another thought. Pinball wizard. The song. Great song. Give it a listen sometime if you've never heard it. By The Who, i believe.

Anyway, must be off to work. If our wire came in this morning already so we actually have something to work with. Otherwise I'm off to stand around and chat with the lovely people I work with. And no, that wasn't really supposed to sound sarcastic. They really are quite lovely...

music: Regina Specktor

Sunday, August 05, 2007

it's all gonna end and it might as well be my fault

Ok, so actually nothing in real life to apply that statement to right at the moment, but it is a killer song. And I'm sure it's just a matter of time...

Saw Bourne Ultimatum on Saturday night! And I know I've been saying this about pretty much every movie I've seen lately, but wow! It was totally awesome!!!! So much action and running and fighting and chasing. Didn't let the trilogy down at all, not at all. Go see.

Got to play on a Wii Saturday for the first time. So much fun. Got to do a little bowling, and boxing, and tennis, and baseball. And it actually could be a pretty good workout. We didn't end up playing for too long, but I could definitely see some good competions getting started playing this thing that could go on for hours and hours...

Made myself an egg sandwich on Saturday. I know, you're probably thinking no big deal, right? True. Just a common breakfast food. Nothing too special. But for the few of you out there who have had the priviledge of eating one of my egg sandwiched before, I hope you think differently. And the one I made Saturday was a step up from the norm for even me. I was actaully excited about it for hours after I ate it. Even named it. The Schultzy. After Sgt. Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. Cause I made it on a Kaiser roll; and it was HUGE! Figured it would be something he would enjoy eating... And no. I'm not going to tell you how to make one. But if you ever have a good appetite worked up, give me a call and I'll be more than happy to make you one!

music: "Dusk And Summer" -- Dashboard Confessional

Friday, August 03, 2007

ridin my thumb to mexico

So didn't end up helping anyone move anything last night. Which I guess is just fine and dandy. Probably could actually help me. If I let it. But knowing me...

Ended up working a little late yesterday. Little bits of overtime are always good. They add up quite nicely.

Supposed to be another hot and humid one out there today. Don't really remember there being this many humid days in a row out here before. Kinda strange.

Just remembered that I am supposed to play disc golf tomorrow morning. I think. At least I'm pretty sure... Think I may need to make some calls about that today.

And wow. Time flies when you're tired and only have work to look forward to. But I think it is going to be a good day. Just cause. So there.

music: "We're Gonna Hold On" -- George Jones (he just has one of the best voices ever!)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

i wish you could have turned my head and left my heart alone


Seems as though I've been incredibly busy lately. Just couldn't really tell you with what. Doesn't seem like anything is ever going on, yet seems like I am never home and I am finding myself quite tired at the end of the day. But that's good. Sometimes it's nice being busy just with stuff and things. And it looks like more of the same tonight. Get to go help a friend move some stuff.

Tried to play a little disc golf last night. Apparently not a good idea. Lost the first disc I threw. Then almost lost another one on 5. Then I quit and ran all the errands I needed to. It was so windy it was crazy. And then like nine seconds after I left it started raining, so that was good.

Ended up buying 300 last night. Started watching it at like 10. Was just going to watch a little bit of it and then turn it off. But apparently, I was a little more tired than I thought... cause I'm pretty sure that I never had the opportunity to turn it off until I woke up somewhere around 2:30ish in the morning. Oops. But it's just about at the point where all the crazyness starts to happen. So a great place to start watching from tonight. Whenever I happen to make it back home...

Get to work up at the Village idiots again today. And if I've failed to ever tell you about the Village idiots, well then......................

music: The Roadhouse station on Sirius. Bet you can't guess what kind of music they play...