Friday, September 28, 2007

i never drew first but i drew first blood

Ladies, if you don't know what song that line comes from...shame on you. And guys, wouldn't be bad for you to know either. Just in case you get invited to go to a concert with a cute chick sometime...

So it's Friday. But for some reason I don't find myself in the same elated Friday mood that I've had the last several weeks. Huh. Maybe cause I just feel more exhausted than anything. Don't know. But it is Friday and I am very glad about that. For sure. And I'm sure that by tonight or tomorrow I'll be excited about the weekend.

Guess not much to report. Pretty much just worked, read, and watched TV all week. Almost got in several accindents on the road, but that's fairly normal. Work still sucks, but I've still been getting overtime, so that helps at least. And I should be starting my new job at some point next week. So maybe I should just attempt to sleep all weekend...

music: "Prayer '94" -- Bon Jovi

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

out on your own

Not all bad getting to work early in the a.m. Hardly any traffic. Not as much talk on the radio yet. And the moon this morning! WOW. Didn't see it till I was headed directly into it, but wow. Had an unobstructed view of it, and it was HUGE. Think I coulda looked at that thing all night.

And when you're up early you can get away with listening to fun music and just pass it off as, "I'm not awake yet", or, "I'm just trying to wake up". And chances are, no one is going to be around to hear so it doesn't really matter anyway.

Had orientation for the part-time job last night. Long. And I missed most of the first hour of it. My store told me it started at 6, but it really started at 5. Oops. But they didn't really seem too concerned that I was late or missed anything so that was nice. Now I just need to find out when I start working...

And I got a call yesterday from a guy I used to work with asking if I was interested in a job with the company he's with now. I sort of am. The position sounds like it would give me an ulcer for the first few months, just because I would be nervous of messing things up, but it also sounds like a good learning opportunity and an opportunity to get a much better looking position on the resume, or just to be working for a better company than the one I'm with now. He really seems to enjoy working there. And the starting salary he told me to ask for was quite a lot more than what I'm making that would be awesome.

So yeah. Guess there's kind of a lot going on. Which is a good thing. Now if I could just get myself to be able to fall asleep when I try, I would be golden. Or something.

music: "The Only One" -- Evanescence

Monday, September 24, 2007

i've got to know

Weekends are such sweet sweet things. And then they end. Guess we shoulda seen that coming. Seen as how "end" is at the end of the word itself. Ironic. Don't ya think.

And this is coming after three full nights of sleep and naps on Saturday and Sunday... Think I may need to go back to barely getting any sleep.

And really, I didn't do a whole lot of anything this weekend. Bout the toughest thing I did was fill out all the paperwork for the part-time job. And really, that was mostly just signing my name a whole bunch of times. And re-reading the page about the employee discount like 20 times just because I couldn't actually believe that we get that huge of a discount. Really, it's pretty sweet.

I did get to eat some sushi at the mall. That was interesting. I ate a bunch of it, but I'm still not really sure if I actually like it or not. Guess I'll just have to keep eating it till I can figure that out.

music: "Lady" -- Regina Spektor

Friday, September 21, 2007

and then

I forgot to tell you that I also caught an episode of Friends last night. It has been a while since I have seen any. Laughed so much. It was the one with all the dates with the movie stars. Anyway, guess I was just in the right mood last night...

And today at work I got to listen to some more Flight of the Conchords, Bon Jovi, Brooks and Dunn, and a mix cd that I had made for the trip to MN last Christmas. So everything worked out with the music today. Not a bad day of work. All by myself all day. Just me and the headphones. And some driving around town. Saw the last stages of an accident on I70. Looked like they were about to start clearing it up. But they had westbound taffic shut down. Routing everyone off onto the frontage road. Big mess. Very slow for them. But there was definitely a motorcycle helmet lying in the middle of the road. Not a good sign.

Anyway... Time to go home and try to get this weekend started!

music: just the XM radio at the office

the amazingness of...what was i talking about again

So I happened upon the selection show last night for the next season of Beauty and the Geek. Not a horrible show as far as reality TV goes. Seems like both sides generally benefit and learn. Whatever. The point of the show isn't to see who can lie better of yell louder. But back to last night's show. They were doing the screening interviews and one of the questions that they asked the "beauties" was if they knew their IQ. Two of my favorite answers... "Slighty over not dumb." And this one with twin blond sisters sitting there together the one says, "Probably this much (while holding her hands apart)." And her sister just looks at her and nods her head in agreement. It was amazing!

And that is the news for the day. I am off to work. And to listen to some Flight of the Conchords. Or perhaps Bon Jovi. Althought the Flight of the Conchords did have me literally laughing out loud while I was listening to it yesterday at work on my headphones. Very entertaining...

music: "Don't Wait" -- Dashboard Confessional

Thursday, September 20, 2007

if i kiss you where it's sore

Wouldn't that be awesome if that actually worked...

So yes. Within Temptation concert was incredible! Not really at all what I was expecting it to be, but considering I really didn't have much of an idea what to expect of it... They were great though. And even though I really found myself not really enjoying the two opening bands a whole lot, I still found little interesting things to watch about them while they were playing. And Within Temptation's guitar players and bass player were so fun to watch play. Think I sorta kept getting distracted by them and forgetting about the actual singing that was going on. And the singing! Well let me just say that that girl has a phenominal voice.

I could go on about this for a little longer, but as I am technically early to work, I really am running a little bit behind what I would like to be. Gotta do the early so I can make it to the volleyball games at the school tonight. You should go to.

music: "On The Radio" -- Regina Spektor

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

one day i'll be stronger

So, like, it's totally been, like, forever since I posted on here.

Ok, so it hasn't quite even been a week yet, but it sure seems like a long time. Just been really really busy. And I wasn't even going to post today, was going to be at the office at 6 again and at the job site by 7...but then I decided I needed a little bit more sleep this morning. And it was good. But I still feel like I've been run over by a truck. Or two.

Been working a decent amount the last few days. Not really long hours, but more than 8, just been incredibly busy, butt-kicking hours.

And Saturday I managed to put a nice little gash on my face, right above my eye. Long story. And it all could have been avoided if I hadn't taken the word of a woman about her furniture construction. Silly me.

I somehow managed to win my fantasy football game this week. Oh wait. I know how I won...cause Favre is still a stud and can play all these young whippersnapper qb's under the table. Sorry. Just feel the need to defend the pick that I took so much crap for.

And, amidst all the crazyness, I have only managed to make it through like the first maybe fifty pages of the boook I am reading. And that is very frustrating, cause it is super good and I just want to read it!

And tonight I get to go to a Within Temptation concert with a couple friends. Very much excited about that!

Oh, and I got hired for a part-time job last night. Don't know exactly when I start. Probably going to do orientation next Tuesday. Kinda excited/nervous about it. But it should be good.

music: Within Tempation

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

in my world

Finally finished The Golem's Eye last night. Really wasn't expecting to, so that was a nice surprise. Great book. Really. Excited to get started on the last book now!

Got a call last night about an application that I had filled out on-line on Tuesday. Always a good sign when they call back the next day. Sorta means that they actually are looking to hire people instead of just saying that they are. And I sorta kinda wonder about applying on the internet sometimes. Like do they actually ever look at that stuff? Apparently they do. It's only for a part-time job, but I have an interview on Friday afternoon. So that's kinda cool. And it is for a place I normally wouldn't have applied to at all, but the position seems like something I could do, and it's always good to learn new things and push myself out of my comfort zone. So...yeah.

Ended up eating peanut butter with Tostitos last night after I emptied my salsa. Not too bad, but probably isn't going to become a habit.

So much else to say right now. Was kinda very disappointed/extremely irate at myself last night for something I found out. Makes that whole decision making process thing seem like it may need a fairly good overhaul.

music: "Too Much To Ask" -- Avril Lavigne

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

smoke and mirrors

Ok. I am on here mainly because our fantasy football site is being extremely stupid and grr right now. So I can't really post all the nice smack on there that I need to. I know it is the first week of the season and all...but wow! they are having a whole lot of problems with their site.

But I think I won. Hopefully. Can't say for sure yet, but the standnigs board had me down for the win so I am just going to go with that.

Finally applied for some part-time jobs yesterday. Had a couple of hours of down time at the office in the morning and I was able to actually be somewhat productive with the time. Amazing.

And whoever just tried to call our office before 8 (and scared the junk out of me!) sure doesn't know (and is calling again now! ahhhhhhhh! needs to stop! didn't scare me this time though, just really annoying) our office very well. No one is here before 8. NO ONE. Other than me that is. And Monika. But oh, that's right. They laid her off. Stupid blighters. (don't really know if I used that correctly there, but it felt right and it was the first thing to pop in my head so that must mean it's right...)

Well, I better get going. Today should be another day demonstrating the extreme lack of organization with our company. Meaning I'm definitely going to need the coffee that I haven't had yet to attempt to un-twist everything that is about to get twisted in the next hour...

music: "Almost Lover" -- A Fine Frenzy

Monday, September 10, 2007

if the tears fall down like rain

So wow. It's Monday again. Already. Weekends just never last long enough.

And football. Wow, the football. Craziness, I tell you!

music: "Let Her Cry" -- Hootie & The Blowfish

Friday, September 07, 2007

i cannot drive the streets at night

So yeah. Nine hours of sleep is a nice thing. Considering that is slightly more sleep in one night what I got the previous two nights together.

Pretty much yesterday was summed up very well with the words of my esteemed co-worker, Joe. "I feel like I got run over by a truck." Think I could have pretty easily just curled up on the concrete floor of our warehouse last night when we finally got back and slept till morning. Got in at 6 and finallly left about 6:45. And not like fourty-five minutes later. But I guess it was a pretty good day, in all. Can't really think of anything that went wrong, or was incredibly hard to do. Just a lot of stuff to do in one day. But that happens. And hours are always good.

But I was definitely sound asleep before the double-digit hours of the evening started. Didn't even watch the last two or three minutes of the football game.

Sure wish I had a grilled cheese sandwich handy right now.

music: "Last Of Days" -- A Fine Frenzy

Thursday, September 06, 2007

we watched a movie

Early. So so early.

Definitely getting too old to do the four hours of sleep thing two nights in a row...

music: "Jenny" -- Flight Of The Conchords

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

take me away, i'm gone

I miss Monika. She got laid off last week, cause we have been a little on the slower side in some areas here at work. And I was really not too happy about it. But I didn't realize until last night how used to our morning conversations at the office I had become. Seen as how 98% of the time we were the first ones in the office in the morning, we would usually end up talking to each other about whatever had gone on the previous evening and what not. The usual office small talk stuff. And last night I kept finding myself in my head laughing about the reaction Monika would have to what was going on when I told her about it this morning. And then I would remember that she wasn't going to be here.

Drat. I hate when good things change.

And speaking of good things... Pulled out the "throwback" cds again this morning. As much as I love the Counting Crows, it seems like I go months or even a year at a time sometimes without listening to them. But then when I do finally throw them into the player again I am always reminded very quickly of how great they are.

Ooh. And I was reminded this morning that I need to listen to Snow Patrol again. It's been a couple of months on that too. But that album is just so great. Especially for the mood I've been in lately. It's got a little of everything on it.

I guess I just really need to get a new cd player in the truck...

And speaking of cd players... Ok, so I guess I don't have anything to say about them.

Volleyball starts at the Y in three weeks! Got to watch a couple minuets of some college v-ball on FSN last night. Those girls are good.

music: "Angels Of The Silences" -- Counting Crows

Sunday, September 02, 2007

what's another word for "crushed"

Hey diddle diddle. The cat and the fiddle. The dish ran away with the spoon.

Sorry. About all that's coming to mind right now.

Had some stuff that I was going to try to air out on here tonight and maybe try to see if it helped me sort through anything. But now, with the most recent, totally unexpected and unrelated (to what was on my mind before) events of the evening...I really am at a loss of what to say.

It feels like everything inside is just a big pile of mush right now. Don't know if being outraged at what happened is the right thing to be, or if that's just me being prideful. But something about it just isn't sitting right with me. Yet there really isn't anything I can do about it now, or in the near future that I can see.

Going to have to spend some serious time trying to sort through all this. Supposedly it was done to help alleviate a situation. But there is a very good chance that it just created a whole different monster.

And no. This actually has nothing to do with relationships. Well, at least not the dating type of relationships. More along the lines of family relationships. I think perhaps this can be among the trickiest and most delicate of the relationships.

So................ yeah.

music: "Near To You" -- A Fine Frenzy (right sound, wrong words. actually may be about ready to switch to a slightly, um, angrier genre)