me, a name I call myself
Work was pretty fun today though. Got to help hang speakers in a nice warm house. I could have been out with the other guys pre-wiring a house in the cold. And it was cold there the day before without the snow.
Got to talk to a couple of the soon-to-be new roomies tonight. I suppose I should back up a couple days and let ya'll know that I found a new place to live. So...I found a new place to live. For those who might know, it is in a house just a couple blocks from DU. Looks like a nice little area. And all the others living there are in their mid-twenties and grad students. Seem like kinda cool people. So it should be a little better situation than the last place. But hopefully still good for a few stories... Should be moving in there later this week(end).
Something isn't normal when I'm using lines from The Sound of Music and words like "dreadful".
Other than the fact that I really miss my computer, things have been going pretty well the last few days. I played some pickup basketball on both Monday and Tuesday nights. And after playing Monday night I stopped in the weight room and did some squats. So the actual playing didn't go so well on Tuesday night seen as how my legs were still shot from Monday. But it was pretty fun.
I think I am going to go try to find some more food. I already have had a roast beef sandwich and a bowl of Cheerios and a couple Oreos and a couple handfuls of peanuts since I got to my parents house, but I am still a little hungry for some reason. Who would'a ever thought that would happen...
music: "A Hymn To Him" -- Rex Harrison (yes. i am aware that this song is from My Fair Lady. but the more that i listen to it, the more that i think there might be something to it...)